As Goes Iowa...

Monday night Iowa spoke as thousands of Iowans went to caucus and put their stamp on the beginning of the road to the White House. What message they sent will be debated for days to come by pundits and political players across the country.
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Monday night Iowa spoke as thousands of Iowans went to caucus and put their stamp on the beginning of the road to the White House. What message they sent will be debated for days to come by pundits and political players across the country.

There is one message, however, that is abundantly clear. Iowans have shown that being involved in the process can make a difference. The caucus produced a record turnout as people flooded the more than 1,600 caucus venues. The Republicans broke their 2012 turnout record by more than 60,000 voters. One caucus site had expected about 150 voters but 469 showed up, and others were busy printing out ballots on site as their expected turnout was also surpassed.

We will have to wait until next Tuesday so see if New Hampshire picks up the mantle and produces its own record turnout, but here is hoping that Iowa's turnout is just the start of the political revolution needed in this country. Because we, the people, need to be involved in the political process every day, not just every two years. We have learned, the hard way, that no president or party - regardless of their popularity or political acumen - can successfully carry out their campaign promises without our continued input and backing. If the leaders we elect fail to address the status quo - even though millions of Americans on the ends of both political spectrums have clearly stated that it is unacceptable - we will have only ourselves to blame if we don't hold them accountable.

This election year needs to be the start of the next American Revolution. Now, more than ever, we need to follow in the footsteps of our country's founders and start a political revolution that seeks change - not simply for change's sake - but because without it, we will be leaving our children and grandchildren with a broken system that dishonors America, her promise and the generations of men and women who have fought and died to uphold our rights and the American way of life.

If we, the people, continue to allow our politicians to say one thing while running for office and do the opposite once elected, we all lose. We have stood on the sidelines for too long. It is time for us to carry out our most basic responsibility as citizens and vote for the presidential and congressional candidates of our choice and then hold those elected accountable to the people.

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