Saturday Night Live Welcomes Back Lindsay Lohan -- Why?

Saturday Night Live Welcomes Back Lindsay Lohan -- Why?
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I've been a fan of Saturday Night Live for as long as I can remember. There's something about a fresh host and strong cast members that keeps me coming back every week. I know a lot of people have mixed feelings about the show -- some say the quality has declined in current years -- but I don't necessarily agree. I like how some of the cast members get their start on the show and eventually grow into full-fledged comedy stars. I still love past cast members like Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler -- even Kristen Wiig has grown on me in recent years. Of the current cast, Bill Hader is hands down the best there is. There's nothing that man can't do! From Clint Eastwood to his flawless Alan Alda impression to the fan favourite, Stefon, he's a perfect example of what makes the show so enjoyable to watch.

Maya Rudolph hosted last week and I particularly enjoy the episodes where former cast members return to host. They prove why we loved them before and why we miss them now. It also brings back other former cast members who pop in to show their love and support for the host. Amy Poehler and Justin Timberlake were the two famous extra faces we saw pop up in sketches, both were quite welcome (even if JT was never a formal member, he's been on that show a million times). Amy and Maya reprised their roles as hosts of "Bronx Beat" while Justin and Andy Samberg played two members of their crew. Later, Justin went on to parody (rather accurately) recent musical guest Bon Iver. But even without them, Maya stood strong on her own and made me laugh.

I really haven't cared for the bands over the last few weeks, I feel SNL has gone from the very mainstream (i.e. Kelly Clarkson, Coldplay) to recent musical guests such as Sleigh Bells and Karmin that I'd never even heard of, and honestly didn't enjoy very much. That aside, something about this episode in particular caught my attention.

Oftentimes you can find out who the upcoming hosts are through TV websites or online leaks, but when I watched SNL this week and saw the promo for Lindsay Lohan hosting and Jack White as the musical guest on March 3, my feelings were mixed. First off, I should say that I love the White Stripes and the Raconteurs, and I think Jack White is brilliant. I'm excited for his solo album and am looking forward to him to be the musical guest. But... Lindsay Lohan? Really?

I had to rewind my PVR to make sure I read it correctly and I honestly thought at first it was a repeat airing from when she hosted previously. But alas, that's not so. My first question is, why? Why for so many reasons? She has no upcoming film projects or TV shows to promote as the hosts usually do. In fact it is widely known she hasn't worked as an actress in quite some time and has numerous, notorious run-ins with the law. She was even supposed to appear on The Ellen Degeneres Show recently and bailed.

I just can't help but feel that SNL and Lorne Michaels are really taking their chances with this one. There are so many variables: she has to actually show up and be willing to work, things she hasn't been known to do as of late -- and what happens to the shows hard working cast members if she decides not to try? Is she still relevant enough in the media to warrant the gig as host? I'd argue not, or at least not for her contributions as an actress.

On a show that is known to parody people with legal/drug issues, are they going to keep quiet on all of her recent troubles? Also, what kind of message is this promoting? It almost feels like they are somehow rewarding her recent bad behavior, I just don't understand the motivation behind it. Maybe Lorne Michaels is hoping people will tune in to see if it's a trainwreck or not? But what if it is? How many chances can a person be given to start over or "make a comeback"? Does anyone think this will be the time for her? Because honestly, I don't.

As I said I'm a rather faithful SNL watcher, so I will tune into this episode out of loyalty, excitement for Jack White and a certain amount of curiosity. Will you?

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