Blood On Our Hands

Blood On Our Hands
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Look at the pictures below. This is what our president encouraged. President Bush gave the green light for Israel to do more bombings of southern Lebanon. This was the result.





The whole world called for a cease fire so there wouldn't be more civilian deaths. Except the United States -- we said keep on bombing. There were already over 400 dead civilians. No one was under the illusion that Israel wasn't killing civilians, predominantly civilians. But still we gave the green light. Keep killing.

What I say is indisputable. The dead children are indisputable. Now if you want to argue that's a good thing, that's your prerogative. But know the consequences of your tough guy antics and semantics.

So, whenever you hear anyone on television or radio saying how Israel had to do this and we had to sanction it, remember these pictures. These are not abstract principles. These are real dead women and children you're looking at.

This is self defense? Those two girls above were about to imperil the existence of Israel?

If at the end of all this, we were assured that extremists would be defeated soundly, that might still not be worth the price, but it could be comprehended. What is truly sickening is that this only helps the extremists. Now, through our actions we have massacred these civilians and empowered the fundamentalists.

Doesn't anybody think anymore? Doesn't anybody feel anymore? Why is it impractical to suggest peace while war has proven futile over and over? Does Bush really believe allowing just a couple more bombings will do the trick?

Do the people of Lebanon look like they are more willing to co-exist with Israel now? Or could it be that you made mortal enemies where they did not have to exist before? Please spare me your generic "these people hated us anyway" bullshit. Which people? They're not monolithic. They're actual human beings. They have different opinions, and people can be swayed. The brothers and sisters of these kids could have grown up to be moderates. What do you think the chances of that are now?

Hezbollah was created by the first Israeli incursion into Lebanon and now it has grown stronger by the second incursion. When are we going to realize that war only feeds the beast? When are we going to have leaders who can use their heads to solve problems?

The only answer George Bush ever has is - more bombings. He once famously said that he doesn't do nuance. We desperately need a president who does do nuance. Someone who has enough wisdom to realize that the solution to every problem isn't more war.

If you still support this administration which has no clue and no moral compass, you are culpable. If you still support their enablers in Congress, you are culpable. If you keep putting these warmongers back in office, you are culpable.

We put the man who authorized this in charge. If you don't do anything to fix that, you have blood on your hands. We're a democracy; we're responsible for the actions of our leaders. If you keep voting for politicians whose only solution is more war, then you might as well have dropped the bomb yourself.

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