Harriet Miers: Too Weak to Fight the Democrats, But Strong Enough for the Supreme Court

Harriet Miers: Too Weak to Fight the Democrats, But Strong Enough for the Supreme Court
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Harriet Miers was moved out of the White House Counsel position this week. The Bush administration was worried that she would not be strong enough to fight off the subpoenas and legal challenges posed by the new Democratic Congress.

This is the woman President Bush appointed to the Supreme Court!

She is too weak to handle defending the White House from simple legal challenges. But she is strong enough to handle the challenges of the Supreme Court?

If Bush didn't even believe in her competence, why did he appoint her to one of the most important positions in the country?

Because he doesn't care about competence. He cares about covering his ass. The one qualification that Harriet Miers had - and the only one Bush cared about - was that she would have done anything for George W. Bush.

And Bush proved that this week when he let Miers go. As Supreme Court justice, she could simply protect him by decreeing it so. As White House Counsel she would have to work on his behalf and provide reliable legal representation. He was afraid the person he nominated to the Supreme Court just wasn't up to it.

Is there anyone left in the country who isn't sick of this guy and the way he operates?

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