Have We Switched Sides on the War on Terror?

We were never fighting all of the terrorists in the world. But this is another step. We are now actively aiding and abetting militants who execute people on camera.
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ABC News is reporting that we are helping a "militant" group in Pakistan to undermine the Iranian regime. Another word for "militant" in that sentence is "terrorist." As the story explains they kidnap and execute Iranian officials, as well as soldiers and border guards. Have we switched sides on the war on terror? Are we with the terrorists now?

The "war on terror" has always been a fraud. Terror is a tactic, not an enemy. And we were never fighting all of the terrorists in the world. I don't remember our offensives against the IRA or the Tamil Tigers. And we eventually started labeling almost all of our enemies as terrorists, whether they fit the definition or not.

But now this is another step. We are actively aiding and abetting militants who execute people on camera. The leader of this group, Jundullah, is a guy named Abd el Malik Regi. He is described by a senior fellow on counter-terrorism at the Nixon Center this way:

"He used to fight with the Taliban. He's part drug smuggler, part Taliban, part Sunni activist."

Lovely fellow. You know who else is known as Sunni activists? Al Qaeda. There is a secret war going on behind the scenes between the Shiites and Sunnis in the Middle East. Seymour Hersh explained it pretty well in his last article in The New Yorker. And guess whose side we're on? If you guessed Shiites, try again. No, it appears we're with the "Sunni activists."

Now, if you're thinking, wait a minute, "We're fighting the Sunnis in Iraq and Al Qaeda is Sunni." You're quite right. But here's what you didn't figure, "Saudi Arabia is Sunni and Iran is Shiite." So, who cares about Al Qaeda, let's go get those Iranians!

This is madness. When do we step in and stop this insanity? How can we get Dick Cheney to stop fighting a secret war that is completely against our national interests? In case you were wondering, the ABC story explains that Jundullah was on Dick Cheney's agenda when he went to visit Pakistan. Who did you think was going to be behind it?

There is also the matter of the kidnapped Iranian diplomat that the New York Times uncovers. And the two other senior Iranian officials we intended to snatch in Kurdish territory. And the Mujahedeen-e Khalq, another terrorist group we might be sending over the border to attack Iran. Gee, I wonder why the Iranians might respond by capturing some Western troops.

I don't know if Cheney is actually trying to undermine the Iranian government or whether he is trying to provoke them into taking action that could be used as a cause for starting a war against them. Either way, the madman we have as Vice President has to be stopped.

He has crossed the line here. We need to have an immediate investigation to see whether our government is covertly supporting Sunni terrorists acting against Iran. They are crossing the Iranian border, kidnapping Iranians and executing them. If we're connected, then we're starting a war without even realizing it. Someone has to put an end to this.

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