It's Not Too Late on Alito -- Don't Be Afraid to Lose

Democrats: A simple "no" vote where you lose on a party line vote gives you no chance. At least during a filibuster fight, you have the opportunity to make your case to the American people.
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Senator Dick Durbin said yesterday that there is strong sentiment against Alito right now among the Democratic Senators and that a filibuster is still possible. He says they are considering whether they should fight. The answer must be a clear and resounding -- YES!

Alito refused to concede during his hearings that Roe v. Wade is settled law. He's the one that came up with the strategy to chip away at Roe until they can finally take it down. OF COURSE HE'S GOING TO VOTE TO OVERTURN ROE!

56% of Americans say they would not support Alito's nomination if they were convinced he's going to vote against Roe. Please make your case to that 56%. And the only way to do that is to filibuster. A filibuster draws the attention of the press and the public. A simple "no" vote where you lose on a party line vote gives you no chance. At least during a filibuster fight, you have the opportunity to make your case to the American people.

Then during that fight, you can also point out that Alito would let the President run roughshod over the constitution by accepting a radical interpretation of a legal theory called the "unitary executive." This allows the president to authorize things such as torture and warrantless spying without the approval of Congress -- which he is doing right now!

Do the Democrats have faith that the American people care about the constitution and care about their rights? I know that's an open question to many people. But I'm willing to take that gamble. What's the worst that could happen? You could lose. But so what?! At least your constituents would know you were fighting hard for them and their principles.

You must not be scared of what Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly are going to say about you. The only way to win is to not be afraid of losing.

The fight is worthy. If there is ever a time for bold action, this is it.

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