Where Are Our Leaders When We Need Them?

As much as I respect Dodd, he is not likely to win the nomination. So, the person who works with him can soak up all the credit for his FISA fight.
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First, there was the abysmal, pathetic, inexcusable and cravenly collapse on Iraq War funding. The Democrats gave into ALL of the demands of the most unpopular president of all time. And where were our so-called Democratic leaders?

I understand there are a number of people on the campaign stump claiming they are going to be wonderful leaders. Really? What have they led on? When have they ever defeated Bush? Did I mention their opponent is the most unpopular president in American history?

This is not ancient history. It's happening right now. So, the Democratic presidential hopefuls were MIA on the Iraq War funding fight, or lack thereof. They went right along with yet another Democratic cave-in. No fight, no leadership, no nothing.

Then there was the energy bill, where the Democrats tried to take back $13.5 billion in outrageous subsidies that the Republicans had given the oil companies in the middle of their record breaking profits. And what happened? Another loss. That provision was stripped out when the Republicans mustered up 40 votes, including Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA), to pull of yet another successful filibuster.

And we got the familiar refrain of losers -- what could we do? Oh, you poor schmucks, did you get outmaneuvered and outvoted again? How about you put a world of pressure on your own senator to not betray your whole party and the American people by giving the oil companies $13.5 billion of our hard-earned money? Does this party have any leaders? Do they have any idea what leaders do?

If Senator Clinton, or Obama or Biden had an ounce of leadership in them, they would have found a way to win by one vote rather than lose by one vote for the billionth time. Please don't tell me they were too busy worrying about their own careers on the campaign trail to actually do their job. You know what would be a convincing argument on the campaign stump -- I actually got something done! I actually beat George Bush for once! But right now, none of them can make that claim.

But at least one of them has been trying, and that's why I left his name off the above list of senators. Chris Dodd is fighting one of the most important fights -- not allowing the telecoms to get immunity for their law-breaking on FISA. If they get this, the entire Bush administration would be shielded from any accountability for their brazen violations of federal law.

So, who is fighting to make sure this victory goes to the Republicans -- Harry Reid, naturally. Glenn Greenwald has an excellent explanation of how Sen. Reid helped the Republicans tremendously with a legislative maneuver today. I don't know if he knows this, but he's supposed to be on the other side of the aisle. And this is our leader?

Let me not mince words, Harry Reid is a terrible majority leader. In fact, it's an insult to the word "leader" to use it in the same sentence as Harry Reid. Why would you help George Bush and the Republicans break the law?!

Actually, I know why. It's because so many of the Democrats are also in the pockets of the telecommunication lobby and some of the Democrats, like Jay Rockefeller, have been complicit in allowing the worst abuses of this administration. So, they're looking to cover their own ass. Just like when they gave into Bush on the Iraq War and on federal spending, but kept the one thing they care most about -- pork-barrel spending. Greedy politicians have to make sure their asses are covered first.

I don't know if Harry Reid is part and parcel of these complicit Democrats, and I don't care. It's possible that he's just too weak to stand up to them. What a ringing defense, "I am not a greedy, law-breaker; I'm just too weak to stop them." What I do know is that results matter and his results have been hideous.

To top all of this off, Reid had to help the Republicans by burying a hatchet in the back of Chris Dodd, who has been trying to fight this immunity provision tooth and nail. Sen. Reid respects Republican Tom Coburn's holds on bills because to do otherwise would be to challenge the bullies, God forbid. But he won't respect his own colleagues hold on this bill. I'm trying to see if there is any other way Reid can hurt us. If it can be imagined, believe me, he'll find it and do it.

But this fight is not yet over. The other Democratic contenders promised that they would help Dodd filibuster if it came down to that. Then they prayed all night that their bluff wouldn't be called. Well, it has. It's now put up or shut up time. Will the other Democratic senators in the presidential field, come to the defense of their fellow Democrat and help to lead this filibuster fight?

God, this is so easy. The first one to jump on the bandwagon would gain so much credibility with primary voters. And they would lose nothing. Do you have any idea how many Democratic votes (or independent votes, for that matter) you would lose if you stood up to Bush? None, zero, not one.

This should be a no-brainer for Obama or Clinton. They should be tripping over themselves to jump to Dodd's side on Monday. Let's get real, as much as I respect Senator Dodd (who I have absolutely no affiliation with), he is not likely to win the nomination. So, the person who works with him can soak up all the credit for this fight.

This is the time to show us if you are truly leaders or not. This is not theoretical; it's real and it's now. On Monday, will you do as you promised and help to lead a fight against Bush's law-breaking or will you show that you're no leader at all?

As frustrated as I am that none of these folks has done a damn thing to stand up to Bush all this time, I am willing to look past all that if we could just get one of them to stand up just one time. And that time is now. Will any of them do it? Is there a leader among them?

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