It's Iraq, with a "Q"

They're arming the Talliban. They're supplying weapons to the Shi'ites in Iraq. I know we have short attention spans, but let's finish one war before we start another.
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Iran, Iran, Iran. I am sick to death of hearing about Iran. We're fighting and dying in Iraq. We've lost the battle in Iraq. We've destroyed the country and left chaos in Iraq. And what is everybody talking about? Iran. Lieberman says bomb 'em!

They're arming the Talliban. They're supplying weapons to the Shi'ites in Iraq. We must build a missile shield in Europe to protect everybody from bombs they don't have yet. Geez, I know we have short attention spans, but let's finish one war before we start another.

And why wouldn't they arm the Shi'ites? They ARE Shia. And, we're arming the Sunnis. Yup. In Al Anbar we're arming the Sunnis formerly known as insurgents so they'll help us wipe out Al Qua'eda. And once they're done with that, I wonder who they'll use the weapons and training on? What, are they going to give them back when done? Or, might they pick up arms against the Shi'ites? So effectively since we've been there we've armed and trained both sides of the Civil War that has erupted. Marvelous, that's a winning strategy. Someone a soldier might have trained at one point may be pointing a gun at him the next.

It's official, this entire thing is FUBAR and moved in to the theatre of the absurd. It's so mismanaged and out of control that now we've moved on to Iran.

Iran has a vested interest in the turnout. After all, they're neighbors. Just like the Saudis, whose king called this an "illegal occupation by the United States." And the Saudis are Sunni, so if you don't' think that they have a hand in arming the Sunnis, think again. And, most American casualties are coming from Sunni insurgents, not Shia, but, who do we scream about? Iran and the Shi'ites. We arm their opponents, invade their neighbor and they're supposed to sit there and do what? Imagine if this were going on in Canada or Mexico. What would we do? Actually, given the size of things, imagine if this were going on in Nevada and you lived in California. Would you sit idly by? Would you want your government to?

The Shi'ite Gold Mosque is bombed. Sunni mosques are then burned. Al Sader calls for calm while Al Maliki does what? Sits and sweats in an Iraqi parliament thanks to a lack of electricity inside the green zone. It's priceless.

And the U.S. media and politicians? They discuss Iran. Democrats fund the war without timelines. Republicans want more surging. It's madness now, sheer madness, and no one is listening to the American people.

Are Democrats keeping the war going as a campaign tool? Who can say. The military now has enough funds, thanks to the recent appropriations, to bring the troops home. Forget funding the surge, use the cash to get them home, now. How much more plain and direct can we, the people, be?

And leave Iran alone. If you can't be diplomatic, why are you diplomats?

Or do the powers that be want WWIII? Is that it? A few weeks ago Bush tried to restart the Cold War. When that didn't work, maybe he decided, screw it, I'll just start a conflict all across the region in the Middle East. Talk to no one and bomb everybody. Boy, there's a foreign policy for you.

We can't wait until the election. Congress, get drafting articles of Impeachment, now. Against the two of them, Bush and Cheney. And forget Immigration for the moment, it's a Red Herring. It can't be fixed in a month or two, with one really bad piece of legislation. It's a weapon of mass distraction from the terrible losses in the war. Don't worry about the people that want to run in to this country to find jobs or that are already here working. Worry about those that are killing us right now. And really worry about the person or people in charge that now want to expand war instead of stop it.

If we bomb Iran we make another enemy. Do we really need more enemies in the Middle East? So they are funding insurgents in Iraq. So are we. How are we any better? Because we have God and the Right on our side? Neither would approve, God or righteous, of what is going on and what has been done.

It's Iraq, with a "Q" not Iran that is our current problem. This administration is horrible at multi-tasking, so let's stick to the problem at hand.

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