Palin: An American Insult

Palin: An American Insult
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Civility is over rated, especially when your country is in danger. And America, we're in danger.

The Neoconservative Republicans are planning another coup so they complete their takeover of the Supreme Court and most other branches of government. No, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, just observant.

John McCain, in a sheer act of politics with no regard for the safety of the nation he professes to love, an act that is not only an insult to American women but to Americans in general, has shown he is a pawn not a maverick, a sycophant instead of a strong leader.
Gov. Palin is a two year governor of a state that has less than 700,000 people. She was formerly a mayor of a town of 9000. Excuse me if I don't want her butting heads with Middle Eastern leaders or making actions that affect world economies.

And don't start with the Obama comparisons. We all know it's apples and oranges.
And why is no one saying it, why is no one talking about the elephant in the room?

John McCain wants Hillary's women. So he throws some inexperienced white woman out there to "compliment" his ticket. Yes, I said white.

This is time for statesmen, not amateurs. I've met Hillary Clinton, and Mrs. Palin, you are NO Hillary Clinton.

This verges on treason to me. It truly does. We are dying as a nation in almost all ways, we need inspiration, hope, we need change or we will, in fact, fail. We need passion and experience, we need help from every branch of government and each other. No one can stand idly by, it truly is time for a 21st Century revolution; A revolution towards the future, not the past.

And leaders must take us there. That's how it's always been.

I want Obama and Biden to say what needs to be said, that to turn the country over to Gov. Palin would be a fatal error. That John McCain, if elected at 72 having survived cancer a few times, will probably die or become infirm in office because the stress is far too great in this particular job (heavy is the head). And when that happens, not if, our country will be hers to run?

Talk about chances. ZERO foreign policy. Is she the face to lead us out of Iraq? President Palin. Because if you can't imagine that, then you can't imagine them. That is more of chance than not at this point. Get over it, sorry, no time for civility.

This woman totes guns, poses with dead bears, and thinks it's acceptable to enter the world's stage of politics with a four month son with down syndrome...a job that takes a full time parent not a full time nanny. But oh well, duty calls I suppose, hubby will mind the kids. Very maternal. Thanks mom. And get over that, too. Ask any parent of a child that has challenges if they have time to be Vice President; or the desire, for that matter.
This a woman that should fall through those cracks in the ceiling Hillary broke when it comes to the Executive Branch of the U.S. government at this time. If she were a job applicant for the most important job at your company and walked in with this resumé you'd say see you in five or ten years, when you've run something bigger than, say, Memphis.
These people will stop at nothing to keep their cash flowing. They will insult women, Americans, and yes, even Mrs. Palin. She may allow herself to be used this way, but how can she look in the mirror? And when she does, does she know she looks just like Karen from Will and Grace? There, I said that, too.

This is a comedy, really. Can you imagine the rest of the world looking at this? A laughing stock, again.

The Titanic is sinking and we ask a lifeboat captain to step in and save the day. Wonderful, a rookie lifeboat captain at that. Oh, but her captain is strong? Really? Not a word I'd use for John McCain; Dawdling, infirm, angry, pandering and on the verge of traitorous with this pick, but not strong.

I hope CNN will stop acting like Palin's press secretary. How about the toughness you showed Hillary? And it's not editorial to say this pick jeopardizes our national security; that's fact. It's not hyperbole to say that should this woman become president world markets could crash. It's not incorrect to say we have an aging, somewhat infirm Senator now leading the ticket with someone, a token woman, on it, a woman with the governing experience equal to less than Mayor Newsome.

I maintain it is Un-American to vote for John McCain. His policies will lead America to financial and political ruin in the world (even more than now) as he is being run by criminals inside a criminally run neoconservative party. He has chosen someone who would no more be able to govern the Unites States in to a prosperous and happy 21st Century than George Bush has. He obviously cares more about political gain than American progress. That is Un-American.

Mrs. Palin, had you been a true American, you would have declined and stated to Mr. McCain that the government and the country needs the best of the best right now if we are to survive. And while you may be competent, you have had no time at all to prove you are even capable, let alone the best, and less than 80 days is too short of a learning curve for this particular job. Your opportunism got the best of your patriotism, and perhaps even your family life, only your family can decide that.

In any event, you and your leader must not have a chance to rule over any American family's life. America can't take it. This isn't an empty insult, it's one that aims to destroy our very way of life.

Overreaction? Look around. Our way of life is almost gone.

John McCain is white. Gov. Palin is a white woman. They will each get some votes because of that. And should they win, kid thee not, it will be because of that, the most Un-American reason of all. It's time that's just put out there. They have no issues on which to stand, no success to build upon, nothing but the lack of melanin in their skin and gender. Please say that's not enough to get elected.

And if it is, I hope Canada is readying a place for me.

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