The Missing I-Word

The American position in Iraq was not and is not working. It has been fatally obvious to everyone in the free world, everyone except the Bush administration.
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Given the current news cycle it would appear the word of the day, everybody's favorite I-word, is Iraq. The Iraq Study Group, which sounds like a benign group of Iraqi students preparing for a test (which would be quite a feat since most can't attend school because of a lack of electricity and security), has made a splash with its report. Everybody is a buzz with its findings; everybody except me. You see, I knew everything in that report when I cast my vote against the "stay the course" mentality on November 7 th of this year. I think most Americans did and I know most Iraqis did. I, and they, didn't need the greatest political thinkers of our time to get together and draft a report.. Anyone that has paid even the smallest bit of attention knows, and knew, that the American position in Iraq was not and is not working. It has been fatally obvious to everyone in the free world, everyone except the Bush administration.

That's why Iraq is not, and should not, be the "I-Word" of the day. No, there are many, with the capper being Impeach. There, I've said it. Call me the Michael Richards of print, impeach, impeach, impeach, impeach, impeach. Congress and the Senate, along with the media, keep saying the American people have spoken. Yes, we have, but you didn't hear us. Impeach the bastards, all of them. We want them gone, for a series of other "I-Words."

First, there's irresponsibility. This administration was irresponsible with the power it demanded after 9/11. It refuses to this day to take responsibility for the debacle of Iraq. It does nothing to catch the real culprit, Osama Bin Ladin. It has been reckless and irresponsible with the lives of our troops and with our goodwill and reputation throughout the world. It was fiscally irresponsible and has driven us in to so much debt we may never recover, a point to where China basically owns us. It was and is globally irresponsible taking no actions to stop global warming and truly protect generations to come.

Then, there's ignorance and the act of ignoring what was right. The administration ignored the real facts about Iraq and Hussein and manipulated false hoods and half truths to their benefit. They plead ignorant to the lack of weapons of mass destruction. They ignored and ignore to this day the plea of the Iraqis for us to leave. They also have ignored our own country, our economy, and the cries of those on the Gulf Coast after Katrina. They ignored the people like Richard Clark and Joe Wilson who were offering them sane assessments, true assessments, assessments now proved by this so-called study group. Their ignorance turned in to arrogance which led them to a near totalinarian form of government, where Americans were under the power of yet another King George. They ignored the Constitution and the very spirit of our founding fathers by authorizing illegal wire tapping, enacting things like the Patriot Act that step on personal freedoms, authorizing torture, stepping away from the Geneva Convention, ignoring every real value of a true American to pursue their own agenda. And they were ignorant of history, ignoring people like Benjamin Franklin who said, "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." They ignored North Korea, who blatantly tested nuclear devices and said they wanted to use them against the U.S.. They ignored Afghanistan so now the Taliban is back, poppy production is in full swing and Osama is happily living at the end of a very long extension cord on dialysis in a cave some place. They ignored the cries of those that truly need our help, the people struggling in places like the Darfur, in the Congo, hell, in South Central L.A. or Oakland. And they continue to ignore the true will of the American people when it comes to Iraq, citing studies, reports, procrastinating while every single day an American dies, and countless Iraqis.

Of course, there's intolerance . This administration was intolerant of any viewpoint other than it's own and now we see that intolerance put our troops and country at risk while it destroyed Iraq. They bred intolerance in our own ranks, dividing us in to two or more camps so torn apart they may never be put back together. They told us to hate gays, because they would destroy marriage. They told us to hate undocumented immigrants because they were going to take all your jobs and change your language to Mexican. They told us to dislike anybody that did not agree with them. They called dissenters traitors, said they were not patriotic, questioned whether or not they should even be Americans. They pushed a religious agenda on the country in order to get votes, while behaving in the most unchristian-like fashion. They again forgot their predecessor, Thomas Jefferson, who said, "I never will, by any word or act, bow to the shrine of intolerance or admit a right of inquiry into the religious opinions of others." This administration made it clear, you're either with us or against us, but the "us" was the administration, not the American people. They were intolerant to any American like Murtha brave enough to step forward. They were intolerant of any world leader that didn't bow down to their wishes (can you say Freedom Fries?).

And what's worse, they were imperialist, seeking to extend our country's power and influence through military force. They used that military force at home, in the guise of the police, sectioning off dissenters to places where they would not be seen or heard by those that did not want to hear their dissent. They used the military force of the United States to invade a sovereign nation and remove a leader, one with whom they had conducted business with just a few short years before. They took the view of America as a friend, as a confidant, as a big brother or helper and turned it in to that of an imperialistic country hell-bent on world domination. They turned us in to what Britain was viewed as in the 1700 and 1800's, they turned us in to the ancestors from which we fled.

Let's talk intelligence, or lack thereof. There's the lack of real, actionable intelligence in the build up to war. Then there's the lack of any real intelligence from our leaders. The administration has always gone to the lowest common denominator, be it hate mongering campaign ads, or fear mongering forms of government. They have constantly discounted the American people, thinking them to have zero intelligence and relying on the dumbing down of the country. In fact, they have done more to dumb down the country than uplift it. They have not acted with one shred of intelligence, military or otherwise, through this entire six year reign of stupidity. They discount intelligent people of science that warn them of things to come, they refuse to take an intelligent approach to how mankind even got to be, well, mankind. Every move they have made has lacked any real intelligence and relied on the fact that Americans won't exercise theirs.

Then there's the filthy incestuous behavior of those in power. This government has become an elite group, only caring about, doing business with, basically getting in to bed with those already in the family. They sold Americans out to the highest bidders, companies like KBR and Halliburton, who have raped our coffers and our troops, actually putting them in danger at times. They have sold us out to private contractors and private companies, and only look after the best interest of those they know and love. They give tax breaks to their friends, the richest one percent, while the working class all but disappears. They populate key positions with those that donated the most or those that served other corporations, or administrations, well. They committ acts of political incest constantly, and it's as sickening in politics as it is in real world application.

And let's talk about this administration's incompetence. By definition it is not having or possessing the necessary skills to complete something successfully. Can anyone think of two or more things this administration has done that has successfully helped the people of the United States? The President is a complete idiot with a mental disorder that prevents him from recognizing the truth, the facts, and actually acting upon them. He cannot even speak the language competently. Katrina, incompetence, Social Security, incompetence, health care for all Americans, incompetence, improving the educational system of our country, incompetence, balancing a budget, incompetence, waging war, incompetence, true tax reform, incompetence, social equality for EVERYONE in the country, incompetence, the ability to lead, incompetence, the ability to tell the truth, incompetence, taking care of the poor, incompetence, a workable immigration policy, incompetence...this list could get so long it would take another column.

Yes, there are plenty of "I-Words" to go around, and each and every one should lead to Impeachment. We impeached a sitting president for lying about oral sex, and yet let these people stay in power. The Iraq Study Group has proven what we all knew, they were wrong, have been wrong, continue to be wrong about the war they wage. There's only one conclusion and the American people have made it in their hearts but may be afraid to vocalize until others start: George Bush and Dick Cheney must be impeached. And there is no excuse why they should not be. Don't give me this crap about tying up the government, there's not one person in the United States that thinks the government does anything at a lightening pace anyway. Either we stand on the Constitution as the law of the land or we do not. If we do, the ONLY thing left to do is for the 110 th Congress to begin drafting articles of Impeachment the moment they are seated. Our founding fathers demand it, they wrote it so, and we must do it to remain true to their wishes. The evidence is all there, just look for it.

Impeach George Bush and Dick Cheney. Have the interest of the American people in your hearts and have the stomachs to actually govern. Show these people that We, the People, remember what our country is about and that anyone that shows such blatant disregard for our nation and our people will, in fact, be impeached. We don't need a study group for this one. All we need is the courage.

Do you have it? Congress, do you have it? Senators, do you have it? President Pelosi, do you have it?

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