One of the former president’s most-repeated claims was busted in Abby Phillip’s montage.
“We're still in. Completely. Thoroughly,” Joe Biden said.
Charles “Charlie” Barrett’s “long history of sexual violence supports the imposition of a life sentence,” a U.S. attorney said.
The actor noted that America's journey to form a "more perfect union" has "missteps" in it.
President Joe Biden is likely to point to Friday's jobs report as a sign of the economy’s robust health under his administration.
The "Late Night" comedian recreated a viral video call moment with the former president as its star.
At least 11 people in Phoenix were hospitalized with heat exhaustion, officials said.
The co-host of the game show got emotional as she reflected on an "incredible and unforgettable journey" with Sajak.
The disturbing file, which prosecutors call a "planning document," had notes on supplies, destroying evidence and getting enough sleep before a "hunt."
The late night host shared some truly disturbing new footage of the former president.
The "Mad Men" actor revealed that he auditioned "over and over and over again" for the network head.
“The similarities to what the Democrat Party has been doing, they cannot be denied,” Rep. Derrick Van Orden (R-Wis.) said in a full-blown conspiratorial rant.

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