Unlearning Violence - It's about Education

This month, make a point of discovering what is being done about the violence that threatens our society, and see how you can help make a difference.
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October is here, and we have officially welcomed in the fall. Many of us are gearing up for the holidays -- oh, okay, I know, it's way too early, but I'm including Halloween, which is practically upon us, so I'm lobbing them all together. At any rate, aside from fun things to think about like costumes and trick-or-treating, there are those among us who are also paying attention to something much more sobering; Addressing Violence. October is also significant because it is national Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Though it's helpful to have a "month" assigned to a specific cause, all of us would be wise to be cognizant of the daily impact of domestic violence, violence perpetrated against women, violence against all genders, including violence because of sexual preferences, and other so-called "hate" crimes. Whatever they're called, they are crimes that cause inestimable harm and grief.

The consequences to society due to acts of violence, are in a word, devastating. Many of you have been personally touched by violence, as I have -- and though I used a one-word descriptor, I'm betting we'd all be hard-pressed to find just one word to describe the deep wound of the violent act we individually suffered. Acts of violence touch entire families, and communities. If you were a victim, and you survived it, you have been blessed. But living with the memory of violence can take its toll, and even come back to bite you when you least expect it. Bottom line, violence causes damage that left unhealed, may continue for a lifetime, and be passed along for generations.

It's much better to prevent violence in the first place, or at the very least, be aware of it, and take steps to thwart it. As parents, making sure our children are not touched by violence is a primary concern.

Find out how to be a parent who parents without violence by visiting Attachment Parenting

This month, make a point of discovering what is being done about the violence that threatens our society, and see how you can help make a difference. There are numerous organizations focusing on this issue, and they would welcome your help. Peace over Violence, The National Coalition against Domestic Violence, and the United Nations Developement Fund for Women.

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