Can Mankind Return To Nature?

We have lost our nature. We have lost the natural within ourselves. And we spend lifetimes trying to fill the void that distance has left us with.
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Confusion. Determination. Elimination. Addition. Recollection.

Things all so necessary to a sane human existence.

But, not many things seem truly sane anymore.

People, filled with distrust, spend their lives locking everyone else out, becoming "secure" and "safe", yet die wallowing in confusion as to the state of their loneliness.

Others, so desperate for companionship, spend their lives taking anyone and everyone into their hearts, yet die the same.

We have lost our nature. We have lost the natural within ourselves. And we spend lifetimes trying to fill the void that distance has left us with.

Our world searches and yearns for progression, for progress, not realizing that the damage and destruction we will cause will set us back to the beginning. To nothing. Everything. The simplistic space occupied by only large planets, uncluttered by metal and smog and progression.

Only the beauty of the Heavens. Silent time passing. No clocks, no calendars to time what is beyond any humans control.

Fate. Life. Death.

Were the American Indians the heathen enemies our forefathers perceived? Was it our ancestors who lived solely off the land, only taking what was needed, worshipping Mother Earth, and her inhabitants large and small?

The Indians weren't corrupting the Earth, it was our own perception of what life was to be.

Instead of seeing the beauty of trees, we saw the possibility of the homes we could build.

Not the beauty of the fox running wild and free, but the coat we could place on our back.

Our need to either change what existed or destroy what resisted led us down this road that seemed to disappear behind our footsteps, leaving us no route of escape.

We must all now face the reactions of our actions.

Corruption. Destruction.

Fast these are becoming the symbols of human existence as young eyes begin to see. Perhaps, by the grace of time, of repercussions, the Earth's shiny, new inhabitants will look at this world through young, untainted eyes. Eyes that see not the impressiveness of tall buildings, but the sacredness of the ground they stand on.

And then, perhaps this world will become what it was meant to be. A place of wonder, a place of beauty, and a place to be shared.

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