Are You Wasting Your Most Valuable Resource?

Understand that potential is not so much about how much you are doing, but rather what you are doing and the way you are being while doing whatever you're doing.
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You have a lot to contribute to this world so it's high time to live up to your full potential!

This past weekend I had the pleasure of hearing Brian Tracy, one of the top success and achievement coaches in the world, speak. He said something that hit me like a ton a bricks: the majority of us are only using about 10% of our potential. 10%?!?!? From my point of view that number is WAAAAAY too low. Why are we operating at such a mediocre level?

As human beings we have infinite potential; it is our greatest natural resource. But it is an UNDERTAPPED resource. We get so caught up in the day-to-day of life and sit idly by as possibility passes over us. We waste time on mindless activities like tweeting sitting in traffic, gossip, and to-do lists that really aren't doing much of anything. We fill our time with "fillers" rather than things that are truly fulfilling. We complain about our outer circumstances because we forget that we have the power and ability to change our inner experience at any moment.

Understand that potential is not so much about how much you are doing, but rather what you are doing and the way you are being while doing whatever you're doing. We all have an equal amount of potential; what sets us apart is how we use it. And we can ALL do better than 10%!

Are you ready to up your number? I hope so because you have a lot to contribute to this world and you are not going to get it done if you're only playing at 10%. How can you optimize your potential? It's easy but it requires commitment on your part. Challenge yourself. Do something everyday that pushes you out of your comfort zone. Commit to learning something new. Develop skills that do not come naturally to you. Shift your energy to a more positive vibration. Intentionally connect with people. Direct your thoughts and behaviors in ways that makes you feel good.

And here is one very simple thing you can begin right now to tap into your potential: smile and think a positive thought. Feel the difference? You're already up to at least 20%!

Let's do this together. I am committing to checking in with myself everyday and I invite you to join me. Visit my facebook fan page (don't forget to "like" it) and share your potential percentage and what you are doing to up your number. For instance, "I am at 13% potential and I am committing to signing up for a dance class to learn something new!"

If we truly value and tap into our infinite potential we will approach life with greater levels of passion and purpose. It is time to stop being average. Let's be extraordinary.


"Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential" - Winston Churchill

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