Watch Your Language!

Bottom line: your words are powerful. You program your brain with your mind and mouth. Watch your language and watch not only your reality but how you feel transform.
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Today's update is easy to read and implement. It will also change your life because you are going to take the advice.

How did you feel when you read the above line? Perhaps excited, curious, engaged and optimistic?

Now compare those feelings to how you feel after you read the following statement:

Today's update is really hard to understand. If you try to take the advice it could work but will be a struggle.

Unless you really enjoy struggle and a lack of enthusiasm in your life, the first statement felt a lot better to read. That is the power of language. Words have tremendous power yet we often use words that disempower us - and I'm not talking about swear words. I explain more in the vlog.

I am consistently in communication with people often in a coaching or teaching context. I listen intently to what is said, especially because our thoughts and words create our reality. I get insight into the reality someone is creating by the language they use.

For example, one of my clients repeatedly uses the phrase, "It's just hard. . ." and she had been experiencing many challenges in her life. I called her out on her language and it was so habitual that "it was hard" for her to change. Once she did, things stopped being so hard. Go figure.

Your words create your reality so watch your language. Speak what you want to experience.

Consider how often you say things like:

It's hard
I feel so stressed
I am so busy
I don't know
I'm struggling with
It's just all too much
I don't think I can
I can't afford it

The more you speak phrases like any of the above, the more you will create a reality that reflects it. My encouragement to you this week is to watch your language. Notice the words that are coming out of your mouth and choose wisely.

Some tips:

* Reframe negative statements. Instead of, "It's just so hard to get over this breakup" or "I'm struggling to find a job" say, "I'm committed to healing" or "I am excited about all the possibilities.

* Instead of "I can't" or "I don't know how" bring some curiosity to any perceived challenge and say, "I'm getting curious about...."

* The next time someone asks, "How are you?" please do not say "fine" (Feelings Inside Not Expressed). Say you are amazing, fantastic or wonderful and notice how much better that feels!! Clarification: I am not advising you to be inauthentic if you do not feel that way. If you are having a bad day then you can at the very least that you are grateful because we can always find something to be grateful for. And if that still does not resonate then how about, "I'm being gentle with myself as I am learning."

* Drop the word "Trying". You don't try to do anything, you either do or you do not do something. Trying is an excuse in disguise like, "I'm trying to get in shape," which translates to: "I know I should but I'm not fully committed."

Bottom line: your words are powerful. You program your brain with your mind and mouth. Watch your language and watch not only your reality but how you feel transform.



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