President Donald Trump's Cabinet

If elected, Trump will fill his cabinet with people who know his management style. He would, therefore, draw heavily from his reality program,, and from business and politics associates.
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GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump said he wanted reality television star and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin in his cabinet if he wins the 2016 presidential election.

Palin responded last weekend that she would like to be energy secretary in a Trump administration.

Palin as energy secretary?

The lights are on, but nobody's home.

Several weeks ago, I wrote a piece for Huffington Post that said Palin should be Trump's running mate. The Kanye West of politics needs the Kim Kardashian of politics.

I also suggested that Trump select his friend, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, as secretary of defense and former NBA player, Celebrity Apprentice contestant and North Korea diplomat Dennis Rodman as secretary of state.

If elected, Trump will fill his cabinet with people who know his management style. He would, therefore, draw heavily from his reality program, Celebrity Apprentice, and from business and politics associates.

Here's the rest of President Trump's cabinet:

Attorney general:
Jeff Sessions. Trump said that the U.S. senator from Alabama and he "have a similar thought process." Before Sessions became a senator he was nominated to be a U.S. district court judge. The Senate rejected him because of a long and disturbing history of racism, including praising the Ku Klux Klan and calling a black U.S. attorney "boy" and the NAACP "un-American."

Secretary of treasury:
Bernie Madoff. The jailed financier shares Trump's enthusiasm for trickle-up economics. This involves giving your money to the wealthy, who then keep it.

Secretary of Interior:
Martha Stewart. Fracking can contaminate ground water, release toxic pollutants into the air and increase the chances for earthquakes. If Stewart, an interior decorator and a former Trump business associate, becomes interior secretary, she'll do nothing about the dangers of fracking but at least the noxious air will smell more like cinnamon.

Secretary of Labor:
Scott Walker. Trump contributed $10,000 to the re-election campaign of the Wisconsin governor, who compared fighting the terrorist organization ISIS to fighting unions in his state. AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka calls Walker a "national disgrace." Trump and Walker have a lot in common: They're both union-busting national disgraces.

Secretary of Education:
John Kasich. The Ohio governor has solidified his popularity among conservatives by attacking school teachers. Why not? This strategy has worked really well for governments in China, Afghanistan and North Korea.

Secretary of Health and Human Services:
Terry Marks. Who would better represent Trump's ideas on women's issues than the CEO of the Hooters restaurant chain?

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development:
Donald Sterling. The billionaire slum lord and former NBA owner was banned from professional basketball after his racist statements were made public. Sterling has been sued multiple times for refusing to rent apartments to blacks. So has Trump.

Secretary of Transportation:
Bret Michaels. The former front man for the 1980s band Poison, Celebrity Apprentice contestant and well-documented drug user knows something about flying high in regulated air space.

Secretary of Commerce:
Rick Perry: The former Texas governor and GOP presidential candidate advocated doing away with the Commerce Department during his "Oops" moment during the 2012 presidential run. Perry believes that if the department is abolished, he would have one less thing to remember.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs:
David Petraeus. After leaving the U.S. Army, the retired four-star general became director of the Central Intelligence Agency. He resigned from the CIA after providing classified information to his mistress who was writing his biography. Trump is a supporter of Petraeus -- and no veteran is better associated with affairs than Petraeus.

Secretary of Homeland Security:
Joe Arpaio. Trump has praised the sheriff of Maricopa County Arizona, who will stop of nothing - not even the U.S. Constitution-- to detain Mexicans, regardless of whether they are in the United States legally.

Secretary of Agriculture:
Ted Cruz. The Republican candidate for president and U.S. senator from Texas wants to evict all illegal Mexicans from the United States. If this happens, it will cause an agricultural crisis. It is estimated that the eviction of 250,000 farm workers will eviscerate crop production, inflate food prices to unprecedented levels and cost the economy billions of dollars a year.

Vice presidency:
Sarah Palin. She would do nothing as energy secretary -- or at least we can hope so -- and, therefore, would have time for another cabinet post. When she was John McCain's running mate in 2008, she did not know the duties of the vice president. What better way for her to learn the duties of the vice president than to become one?

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