I Was Attacked By The Big Fat Idiot Himself

I am in the midst of a deeply sorrowful state right now. Rush Limbaugh attacked me the other day on his radio show.
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I am in the midst of a deeply sorrowful state right now.

Rush Limbaugh attacked me the other day on his radio show. I guess he was retaliating for my calling him out on Paula Zahn's television program Thursday night for being a sexist (I know, where did I come up with that?). He left out my best line from the show in his recounting of events, however, about him and a pound a day of Oxycontin. But it's Rush we're talking about, so 75% accuracy is pretty much a Herculean effort.

Here is Rush's version of events:


RUSH: Last night on CNN's Paula Zahn Now they were talking about hip-hop, the music, the culture, and the lyrics. Somehow my name came up in this discussion. The guest was somebody named Cliff Schecter, an expert. Never heard of him. He's from AmericaBlog.com [I actually only contribute there once a week, but again, this is Rush], and this is what he said.

You see, he never heard of me. Because, for example, I haven't been arrested for doctor shopping, exporting penis pills to The Dominican Republic under a false name and haven't been divorced three times. But I digress.

In Rush's transcript, here is what I said:

SCHECTER: There's misogyny throughout our culture. We just elected a new speaker of the House and Nancy Pelosi is a woman and all we heard all week were on her pantsuits, what this one looked like, what that one looked like. We didn't hear things about policy. You've got people on the right who are going out and screaming every day, people like Rush Limbaugh who scream feminazi, feminazi, feminazi

But according to CNN's transcript, their audio and everyone who has ears, here's the line he missed:

SCHECTER: In his case, he's on a pound of OxyContin every day, so that's OK.

See, I was just trying to be understanding.

Poor Rush, the free-baser must be on the fritz again.

For more on this and other stories, go to cliffschecter.com.

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