The Formula for Social Change

There is a simple formula to changing the world. It's as simple as getting the truth to people and motivating them to add their voices in righting a wrong.
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There is a simple formula to changing the world. It's as simple as getting the truth to people and motivating them to add their voices in righting a wrong.

I never thought I would be one of 'those people' handing out flyers in front of a supermarket on a Saturday morning. But that is precisely what I and my two boys did as we approached strangers asking them to understand the depth of the world's orphan crisis and to join us in defending every child's right to a family.

Saturday was our first Step Forward for Orphans Day. One year earlier our campaign, Both Ends Burning, organized a march on Washington DC where people from 37 states made the collective statement that raising kids in families needs to be a priority in our nation's policies.

A child's right to a family is fundamental and obvious. But millions of children are denied this right, stuck in orphanages or on the street, and left to fight for their lives on their own. Both Ends Burning is committed to making their right to a family a global priority.

I was not alone in handing out flyers yesterday. Volunteers had events and gatherings all over the country. With their energy, effort and passion, our movement took another step forward for the world's orphans.

But how will we spark the change we need to permanently fix this terrible injustice? What magic do we need to reach the tipping point? The answer lies simply in you and me and our willingness to ask others to open their hearts and minds and add their voice in support of these children. As we grow our movement, kids living outside of parental care become a more important social issue; and more kids find families.

Our volunteers know government does not shape our cultural norms. We do. And they know that people committed to sharing information and motivating others to act are the ones who create change. They know it requires old-fashioned persistence and hard work. That is why they held events and stood in front of churches, markets and ballparks handing out flyers and talking to strangers.

I would like to thank everyone who joined us on May 17th to encourage others to step forward for orphans. If we did not connect with you, please visit our website, learn what's at stake, add your voice in defense of these children and plan to join us next year.

It's a simple formula. When the people will lead the leaders will follow.

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