iWatchNews, trustworthy journalism from Center for Public Integrity

iWatchNews, trustworthy journalism from Center for Public Integrity
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Folks, you might remember I really support the Center for Public Integrity, one of the nation's oldest and largest nonprofit, nonpartisan investigative news organizations. The deal is that they're pioneers in serious trustworthy journalism, with a focus on investigation and factchecking.

Today, they're launching iWatchNews, dedicated to all forms of accountability reporting worldwide from fact-checking leaders and highlighting waste fraud and abuse to examining the role of money and influence in Washington.

The iWatchNews site also incorporates social media and will be launching efforts in the next few months to engage citizens in fact checking and other crowd-source reporting opportunities.

Tuesday's debut of the site feature a story examining how auto dealers managed to escape regulation under the new federal consumer protection law and as a result are pursuing many of the same predatory lending practices seen during the mortgage crisis. There's also important stories on the lobbying influence of the Koch brothers as well as a fact check on all the claims made about the energy and climate debate.

Disclaimer: I'm on the board of CPI.

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