Utah.gov - online government to serve citizens

Utah.gov - online government to serve citizens
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Okay, the deal is that people can use the Net to provide better customer service for citizens, providing better return for the taxpayer dollar.

Check out the new Utah.gov, about eighteen months in the making, based on several years of analytics and recent user tests. They've done genuinely outstanding work. Here're some highlights:

• Search Centric User Experience - Searches now deliver context-specific results, including agency information, office hours, interactive maps, and related forms.

• Relevant Results - With an expanded cache of geotagged data, Utah.gov can present citizens with location relevant information such public meetings, jobs, and government offices in more places, including search and secondary pages. Visitors from outside the state also receive a unique experience that encourages exploration for those who may be relocating, starting a business, or looking for great tourist destinations around the state.

• Simplified Design - The universal framework Utah.gov has built allows for look-and-feel consistency across agencies and automatically generates websites that are optimized for mobile and tablet devices.

• Crowdsourcing - Information can now be more easily gathered from citizens in several areas, including homepage images (via Flickr), maps, mobile applications, infographics, and widgets.

• Trending Topics - Utah.gov now provides a real-time view of the most popular services each day, such as

the number of Utahns who are registering vehicles or taking a notary exam.

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