The World of Fashion Film Meets Contemporary Dance: Eudon Choi AW12 (VIDEO)

By merging highly creative and sometimes even conceptual ideas with brands and commerce, fashion film has taken the foreground in intellectualizing advertisements while representing one of the world's fastest growing online trends.
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movie clapper board and golden...
movie clapper board and golden...

Nick Knight's new world of fashion film has exploded in the creative industry over the past year. What initially started as an innovative way to present new collections has now become a popular trend for high fashion brands such as Prada and Chanel as well as car brands such as Mercedes-Benz promoting their latest design in a film with Lara Stone. By merging highly creative and sometimes even conceptual ideas with brands and commerce, fashion film has taken the foreground in intellectualizing advertisements while representing one of the world's fastest growing online trends.

To merge the best of contemporary culture, brought together fast emerging South-Korean, London-based designer Eudon Choi's AW 12 collection with contemporary dance choreographer Tim Casson. Previously an assistant to Wayne McGregor and part of the Jasmin Vardimon Company, his visual palette of mechanical hand and arm movements highlight the structure and details of the garments. By using live projection and overlays, the film introduces the meeting of craftsmanship and tradition with innovation and technology.

Text by Seyna Van Der Linden for App now available for Nokia devices from the OVI Store

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