Cinefantastique Spotlight Podcast: 2012 Roundup

2012 is over, a year that, as with many before it, failed to keep all its promises but in compensation offered up enough surprises to remind us why we so love the films of science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
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2012-12-31-2012_Roundup_Composite_v01_410.jpgThe future is a bottomless well, its mysteries yet to be revealed. The past is the road that stretches behind us, a strange and twisted route littered with ghosts, demons, hobbits, hostile aliens, Dark Knights, the gods of myth, and far too many teenagers lugging amateur camcorders. 2012 is over, a year that, as with many before it, failed to keep all its promises but in compensation offered up enough surprises to remind us why we so love the films of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. So as the calendar rolls over, Cinefantastique Online's Steve Biodrowski, Lawrence French, and I offer up our lists of the top-ten genre releases of the year, with more than a few surprises in the discussion.

Click on the player button to hear the show, or right-click the title to download.

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