The Real Sexy Sax Man Revealed

The Real Sexy Sax Man Revealed
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In March 2011, Huffington Post was at the forefront of reporting the arrival of the Sexy Sax Man, a bare-chested, pleather-clad, mullet-wearing internet sensation known for his gonzo, impromptu renditions of George Michael's 1984 hit "Careless Whisper" in unexpected and unwelcomed locales.

Recording over 8-million YouTube views, Saxophone Superstar Sergio Flores arrived in the public consciousness, appearing on network television programs like Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, spawning numerous copycats, all of whom wanted in on the sexy sax shtick. But while Flores' prank seemed so geniously original, a uniquely irresistible novelty that captured the attention of netizens worldwide, further investigation has revealed Flores to be an imitator himself, ripping the sexy sax routine from Missael, saxophonist for popular Mexico City ska band Panteon Rococo.


Recently in Quito, Ecuador for a performance at QuitoFest, the country's largest outdoor music festival, Missael was spotted and while his choice of hairstyle differs from Flores' 'business in the front, party in the back' do, the remaining similarities are undeniable -- both perform topless in black trousers and sport some sweet, sweet hump-like dance moves.

With both parties unavailable for comment, it's unclear whether Missael and Flores have been in cahoots from the beginning, but given Panteon Rococo's 8-album discography, which dates back to 1997, it's certain that Missael's sexiness pre-dates the Flores phenomenon.

Aware that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, there seems to be no visible grudge between the two sexy rivals, and with countless sax men-in-waiting, all looking for their shot at YouTube stardom, it appears that the era of 'sexy saxery' shows no sign of slowing down.

photo courtesy of Krisha Bartlem

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