Demystifying Small Business Blogging

Since there are a million experts that will tell you how to use social media, I want to focus on something that can truly help your business reach a targeted audience and translate to sales: not Twitter, not Facebook. Blogging.
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Blogging Misses the Cut for Small Business Priorities

If you own or lead a small business, you are familiar with the vast number of tasks that need to be completed on a daily basis jut to keep the doors open. Priorities like paying suppliers, managing payroll, invoicing and sales probably top the list.

Over the past few years social media and blogging have become a big conversation piece in the small business world and have left many small business owners feeling a bit on the outside as to how to approach these new media opportunities in a way to maximize their businesses.

Hence the reason that blogging and social media aren't on the "high priority" list.

The biggest reason for this is probably the fact that measurement in the new media arena is still hard to come by and what can't be measured becomes incredibly hard to invest in.

However, the fear of not participating is causing a lot of companies to jump into social and blogging (content) activities. However the approach is more of a "check the box" rather than a strategy that works.

Companies create Facebook pages that sit dormant, Twitter handles that don't tweet or just RT others and accounts on other sites that serve as mere parked online real estate.

And while those "activities" may make you feel like you are on the road to online prosperity; checking the box simply does not work.

Since there are a million experts that will tell you how to use social media, I want to focus on something that can truly help your business reach a targeted audience and drive more readership, build strategic community and translate to sales:


Yep, not Twitter, not Facebook, but a well thought out content strategy that creates meaningful content for the audience in which you consider the ideal target.

When done correctly this can separate your small business from others that do the same thing, in the same location for roughly the same price.

This is because small businesses that have leadership teams that blog are better reflecting value proposition for their business and adding personality to what may seem like a lot of the same.

Now that I have said this, I know what a lot of small business owners are going to say.

  • I don't have time to Blog
  • I'm not a good writer
  • I don't know how to come up with content
  • Nobody is going to read our blog

All good arguments...

However, they are all wrong.

While I wouldn't argue with most small business owners that they can afford to not be on Twitter and maybe even not be on Facebook. I would vehemently argue that they cannot afford not to have a content strategy (blog) that provides unique and regular insight into the problems that their most coveted customers need solved.

Furthermore, whether you as the owner write the content yourself, or you hire someone to do it, the creation of meaningful content will pay far more dividends than tweeting the latest news article from Yahoo.

So let's demystify a small business content strategy.

  1. Integrate a blog into your company website that regularly posts content from your companies leaders and business line managers.
  2. If you don't have time to write the content, hire someone to ghost write for you who can articulate in your voice to show leadership in your areas of business expertise.
  3. Regularly (at least once per week) post content and share it to all of your networks, feeds and mail lists. In addition make sure your teams are sharing it with their online communities such as their LinkedIn groups and networks.
  4. Use internal linking to take readers to pages on your site that discuss your products and offerings. However, do not create content full of sales and marketing pitches. A blog shouldn't be used as a direct sales technique.
  5. Focus on measuring the community building rather than just the metrics. It is easy to get your content seen, but having it seen by the right audience takes commitment and time. (Realistically six months or more before you see significant growth in meaningful metrics)

Enough With the Excuses

If there is one thing that I regularly hear from small business owners, it is that they blogged a couple of times and they didn't get the return they are seeking.

Imagine saying this...

I went on a couple of sales calls and nobody bought my product or service so I stopped selling.

Sounds dumb, right? Well so does the first statement.

In order to see results from blogging for your small business you have to commit to doing it like any other sales, marketing or operational effort.

Having said that, I assure you that if you stay the course and focus on content that your buying audience wants to read, the results will come.

So if you have started a content strategy and stopped, or never started at all, now seems like the perfect time to take action toward better online results.


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