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Here is the condensed wisdom of the liberal media on why the Bush administration is ultimately responsible for the disaster of Hurricane Katrina...
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What will the left NOT blame on a Republican president? Here is the condensed wisdom of the liberal media on why the Bush administration is ultimately responsible for the disaster of Hurricane Katrina:

Hurricane Katrina itself was a consequence of global warming. Apparently, before global warming, there were no hurricanes—or maybe they just weren’t so bad. But because of the Bush administration’s failure to sign Kyoto, we got Katrina.

Most of the disaster and human suffering that ensued can be blamed on Bush’s war on terror. First, according to Sidney Blumenthal, the administration cut funding from a Louisiana flood control project in order to pay for the Iraq war.

Then there weren’t enough national guardsman to help with relief because they’re all fighting in Iraq.

And finally, because Homeland Security has been foolishly consumed with figuring out ways to protect the nation from a terrorist strike, it was not prepared for a strike by Mother Nature.

But the disaster was also exacerbated by other Bush policies: Aid efforts to community clinics were blocked by faith-based relief organizations. And those burly men hauling stereos and televisions from abandoned Wal-Marts? They, and other looters, are
victims of Bush’s tax cuts

Indeed, one blogger suggests that the devastation of Katrina can ultimately be traced to another, more catastrophic historical event some decades ago. The HuffPo’s Russell Shaw asserts that if only Jimmy Carter had beat Ronald Reagan, much of the suffering from the hurricane might have been much less—in fact, there might not have been a hurricane at all.

So there you have it. Anyone who questions the plausibility—or decency—of making political hay out of a natural disaster before even the dead are counted and the victims rehoused is obviously blinded by Karl Rove’s political propaganda (link pending—give it 24 hours). And by the way—you know those 18th-century developers who unwisely decided to build a city in what amounts to a geographical soup bowl?

They were neo-cons.

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