Washingtonia: The Plot Thickens Against Carolus

Half a century before an Islamic caliphate encompassed the West, Washingtonia had become the most powerful city in the world, epicenter of a sprawling democratic empire.
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Half a century before an Islamic caliphate encompassed the West, Washingtonia had become the most powerful city in the world, epicenter of a sprawling democratic empire. Founded on principles of shared power and fierce personal competition, the Washingtonian Republic was created to prevent any one man from seizing absolute control. It was a society in which the sons of car salesmen and wives of former Consuls can rise up to become national heroes, even leaders of the Republic.

But as the ruling class was overwhelmed by illegal immigration from foreign lands, and depleted by a grueling war in Mesopotamia, the foundations have crumbled, eaten away by corruption and excess. The old Judeo-Christian values and social unity have given way to a great chasm between the classes.

With little good news arriving from the battlefield, the public grows restless under the rule of Consul Georgius the Younger (son of Georgius the Elder of the aristocratic Frutex clan).

>Episode Guide

15. The Plot Thickens Against Carolus


In the previous episode, Georgius' trusted legal advisor, Alfredo, was discovered to have murdered eight unlucky Oracles at the Consul's behest. Georgius' close personal advisor, the wily Carolus, was dispatched to kill Alfredo before he was summoned to the Senate to explain his role in the murder of the Oracles. But something goes wrong, and Carolus now returns to the palace having failed in his assignment--only to discover that Georgius' enemies among the Clintonii are trying to implicate Carolus himself in further scandal. Meanwhile, unruly elements disrupt the Aventine...


Carolus enters the Consul Georgius' ornate oval reception room. The Consul is running in place on a soft carpet while slaves fan him. Carolus looks worried.


So Alfredo did himself what you failed to do?


Yes. He slew himself before the whole senate.


I didn't expect him to act so honorably. Who knew he would kill himself in such a public way? And yet it might have been better if he hadn't first revealed himself to be such a fool. The whole senate was laughing at him before he pulled out that knife. I'm sorry you didn't get to him first.


Someone had tipped him off. He went into hiding. Rumor had it that he was practicing duelling with skilled gladiators in order to meet with his enemies. Clearly, rumor had it wrong.


Rumor's not the only thing that's been wrong lately. (to a slave) Water!

The slave brings a brass vessel to the Consul. Upon it is etched the word "Evian," an ancient Roman term for a beverage of the gods. The Consul takes a large sip and hands it back to the slave, continuing to run in place.


That's why I've come here, Mr. Consul. While I was interrogating our spies in the Aventine about the whereabouts of Alfredo, something else came up...


The scrolls! What about the scrolls?


What scrolls?


Aren't there scrolls pertaining to the murder of the Oracles? If the Senate finds evidence that you were involved in carrying out my instructions...


Yes--I did write numerous papyruses on the matter but they were all burned. I oversaw it myself. They no longer exist. Now about the Aventine...


Are you sure, Carolus? No mole, no spy, made copies? Those Clintonii are cunning people. They've got many secret supporters among the union of the scribes.


I'm confident of it, sir. We need to speak about the Aventine--

Georgius cuts him off dismissively with a wave of the hand. He finishes running in place and a slave races to towel him off. The Consul walks over to and sits down in his Imperial chair, still panting. More water is proffered.


Why do you keep raising the Aventine? I hate the Aventine. Had to make a speech there Saturday night. I looked out at the crowd--at their nasty little faces--and thought, why bother? So I didn't.


One of the dons was slain.




Don Imus. He controlled the docks. He was considered so powerful, they said no merchant could sell anything in Washingtonia without his unofficial "imprimatur." Only when he received a merchant personally at the port would that merchant be seen to have "arrived" and then given the necessary papers to trade.


I thought that's what they said of Titus Russertia.


His influence has been waning for some time. Much rougher gangs now control the underworld. Most seem to originate from a territory called Bloggia, which, as you know, is not yet under your rule.


What is its leader's name again?


You are probably thinking of the Pontiff in Chief, or "PC," Billbus Portas but his rule has been severely compromised by infirmity. He is always coming down with some virus or another. His critics say his illness has made him slow and caused his judgments to be riddled with error. The Bloggians are gradually coming to prefer his arch rival Macus, who is better looking and more charismatic, if simpler than Portas.


Yes. I prefer Macus too. Still, treacherous place, Bloggia. Its peoples are ill-educated and rude. They don't have any weapons or fighting skills worth a damn--and yet they've taken down some very powerful figures.


Now Imus.


I never much cared for him. His mouth was as filthy as the Potomaca.


True, but for all that he never gave us much trouble--and he kept the plebs happy. But Imus thought he was more powerful than the Bloggians. He felt he could say anything with impunity. A big mistake. And I fear now that the Bloggians have his head, they'll be even more emboldened. This isn't a good moment for them to be thirsting for more blood. Certainly not for us.


How are Imus' people reacting? Isn't the whole Aventine rising up against the Bloggians for slaying such a popular leader?


He's attracting as much loyalty as the dead usually attract. Even Imus' most trusted clients--men whose fortunes he made, who received power only because of his favor--claim now never to have consorted with him. I was up and down the Aventine all week and I couldn't find a single person who'd say a good word about him. And yet just the other day they were thronging him in the streets!


The Bloggians will have to be put in their place.


For sure. But right now they control the docks, and shortly they'll control the whole Aventine if their power goes unchecked.


So what should we do?


We may have to pass some law--you know, something approving mass-arrests and deportation.


Tough to do when the Clintonii control the Senate.


Yes. Unfortunately they have many supporters among the Bloggians too.


And now Vice Consul Chenius tells me the Bloggians are coming after you too?


They've been doing that for some time. They haven't gotten to me yet.

(trying to remember)

No, no, no--Chenius was very specific. This one comes from within the palace....


House slave gossip, Mr. Consul.

(still vague)

He said something about a magistrate being assigned to go through the scrolls and papyruses in your office...but looking for what?


That's my point. They don't know what they're looking for. Our enemies will stoop to the lowest tactics just to get "something" on us. Right now they're trying to make it seem like a crime if we demand that all your humble servants swear an oath of loyalty to you!




Exactly. But as I said, you don't need to worry. They won't find anything.


Let's hope you're right this time, Carolus.


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