New York Remembers 9/11 First Responders 15-Years-Later

New York Remembers 9/11 First Responders 15-Years-Later
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I remember every moment as if it was playing in slow motion. Waking up to the most beautiful clear blue skies, leaving my home at 8:45 a.m. to get across Central Park only to watch the Twin Towers attacked one after the other.

All of the people on the bus started screaming in disbelief, crying hysterically and time froze. We didn't know if and when another hit would come. Electrical systems went down, so cells didn't work.

Mayor Giuliani stopped all mass transit so everyone had to walk to wherever we were going & the shock of what was happening to us became all too real.

For people who didn't experience this in person, you can never imagine seeing people flying out of buildings over 100 stories to die the way THEY chose instead of the way the terrorists did. Seeing those bodies fly out of the air, you couldn't breathe nor imagine making that decision.

Today is a day NO ONE should EVER FORGET! All of our wonderful First Responders, Police, Fire, EMT workers who are now dying of various diseases from the toxic air at Ground Zero - I love them all and have learned most of their stories by heart.

Once we regained our composure & realized that our American heroes were getting sick, I dedicated the next few years ensuring the James Zagroda Healthcare Bill would get passed. The Govt mishandled the funds & many people never received the benefits they deserved.
I believe assistance to those men and women who ran into the burning buildings when everyone else was running out deserve EVERYTHING for sacrificing their health & lives to save our brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers & children.

Please share this article with others who don't realize the gravity of their situation 15-years-later.

Today, I re-dedicate my broken heart & my life to ensuring those heroes are taken care of FOR LIFE & their families as well. Join me in this fight for our First Responders. We can never allow them to be without the help they need.

I love you all, we are one today. Can we try to keep it that way? Stop seeing people through a lens of hate and try to use love towards anyone who values FREEDOM and liberty!

With deepest sincerity & prayers,
Danielle 💔🙏🏻🇺🇸😭

PS - However, my PC writing does NOT represent people who support RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM. There is NO forgiveness for you & your minions of the devil. You declared WAR that day, so we will ensure you all get a first-class ticket to the gates of hell with your beloved Allah.

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