A Facebook Death

A Facebook Death
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You never know what to do when someone you know in the real world who is also on Facebook passes away.

Sometimes you post on their wall in memory of them,

or sometimes you just let it be

and let time pass.

There is no etiquette rulebook on this.

To those of us who have unfortunately seen this happen time and time again,

especially with young people who have passed away too young,

I ask:

Is Facebook a modern-day, digital-age tombstone?

Not a replacement for the real one, but a separate one,

for all who want to share, to post, and for all who don't want to, to sit it out.

And if individuals sit it out, does the Facebook page itself and the pictures and the wallposts - all of this - become the memories?

Until, eventually, either account deletion, or the alternative Facebook option of an actual "Memorialization?"

This posting is in memory of everyone for whom I have known that has died too young.
Please feel free to post your own thoughts on the forum on www.DavidHelfenbein.com

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