What I Did On My Twitter Vacation

Quitting Twitter. TMI from Bucky Blankstein from Camp Winn-ee-saw-kee.
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What are you doing?
Quitting Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. Too much chatter. Too many birthdays. TMI from Bucky Blankstein from Camp Winn-ee-saw-kee.

What are you doing?
@Peace! Reading actual newspaper. Drinking coffee. TV! Unholy urge to tell someone all this, so am cleaning stove with toothpick.

What are you doing?
Tell UPS Man I'm off Twitter. Try to show him YouTube vid of skiing baby. OK, props to Bucky for that one! LOL! UPS Man is all 'gotta go.'

What are you doing?
Outside. Overrated, IMHO.

What are you doing?
Informing everyone at Costco that I am shopping at Costco.

What are you doing?
Frickin' huuuuge ketchup! Must remember to upload pix to FB.

What are you doing?
Spent last two hours trying to figure out how many friends I have in common with Costco security guy.

What are you doing?
Crushing sense of doom!!

What are you doing?
Doom over by time sandwich is ready at Quizno's. Have to blog about this place!!!!

What are you doing?
Feeling weird compulsion to quote Eleanor Roosevelt: "The future belongs to those who dream in the beauty of their dreams" Not sure why.

What are you doing?
Wondering: What is Bucky really talking about when he's talking about The Top Five 70s Sitcoms That Shaped Him?

What are you doing?
Informing everyone at home that I have returned home.

What are you doing?
Bone-shaking boredom.

What are you doing?
Decide to phone everyone I know on earth. 736 calls later and still nobody has picked up.

What are you doing?
Cleaning fridge. Chicken wings!

What are you doing?
Informing wife and son that I have become a "fan of chicken wings." Blank stares.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?
Nap in chair. Bizarre pattern on arm looks exactly like piece of Chex cereal. Will upload pix later!

What are you doing?
Bad dream about Bucky. So strange. He passes his blue waters swim test only to get eaten by giant sea creature in Lake Winn-ee-saw-kee.

What are you doing?
Find Bucky's number on Google. He is a big fancy tax attorney now in Connecticut. Try to call to see if he's okay. Bounced to voicemail.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?
(tummy sounds)

What are you doing?
Back online, but really got to know self during break. SERIOUS reboot. Plus, worried I might have missed Bucky's birthday.

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