Be Brave N' Fly for the Bravest of Them All

When one couples physical fitness with a great cause, we find ourselves training harder to achieve our goals. The greater the cause, the harder the workout.
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Most of us workout and enjoy a good sweat. In fact, there is so much talk today about health and fitness that many of us are finding ourselves doing various types of cross training to get in shape, be healthy and feel better about ourselves. When one couples physical fitness with a great cause, we find ourselves training harder to achieve our goals. The greater the cause, the harder the workout. I believe that there is a spark that ignites within and takes the workout and us to a higher level. As we get older it takes more will power and discipline to train harder. Yet, when you throw an important cause into the mix, that all changes. It does for me....

Are you brave enough and can you handle the sweat? On Saturday, March 16, 2013, sparks will be flying when The Max Cure Foundation and Flywheel Sports, an indoor cycling studio, debut Be Brave N' Fly to raise money for low-income families living in the Flywheel communities across the country whose children are battling pediatric cancer. 100 percent of all the proceeds from this one-hour ride will provide the much-needed funds for these families who are struggling emotionally and financially while their child undergoes treatment. Your ride will directly benefit those families in your community. If you live in New York City, Englewood and Millburn New Jersey, Charlotte North Carolina, Boca Raton and Miami Florida, Atlanta Georgia, Chicago Illinois, Dallas Texas or Seattle Washington, come out and join us as we "Roar For A Cure" and take a stand against pediatric cancer. On top of raising money for the families that we support in your area, a portion of the proceeds will go to The Max Cure Foundation to help it further advance it's mission of funding the development of less toxic treatments for these children. Flywheel has donated all of their studios and employees for this pediatric cancer ride so that 100 percent of the money raised can go back to our mission. Isn't that awesome?

Reality Check: Life is filled with choices. We all make them everyday of our lives. Sometimes, the outcome goes in our favor but when it doesn't, we need to pick ourselves up, stay focused and determined to achieve our goals. "Don't give up" has always been one of my favorite mottos. So, here are the facts about pediatric cancer, a disease that poisons 36 children in our country each day:

• Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children under the age of 15 in the
United States.
• 13,500 children are diagnosed with cancer each year in The United States.
• One in every 330 Americans develops cancer before the age of twenty.
• On the average, 36 children and adolescents are diagnosed with cancer everyday in the
United States.
• On the average, one in every four elementary schools has a child with cancer. The average
high school has two students who are current or former cancer patients.
• The causes of most childhood cancers are unknown. At present, childhood cancer cannot
be prevented.
• Childhood cancer occurs regularly, randomly and spares no ethnic group,
socioeconomic class or geographic region. In the United States, the incidence of cancer
among adolescents and young adults are increasing at a greater rate than any other age
group, except those over 65 years.
• Despite these facts, childhood cancer research is vastly and consistently underfunded.

These kids did not ask for cancer, and their families did not expect that in a matter of seconds their lives would be turned upside down and in many cases destroyed because of cancer. These children and their families have no choice, but to BE BRAVE.

Are you Brave enough to Be Brave N' Fly?

I am asking you all to join us and take a stand with me and our team.


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