To me, The Nevadebate was like listening to a pair of amped up high school seniors, the super-smart egghead girl vs. the uncouth classless clown, going at each other in front of all their cheering and jeering friends in the hallway in front of the lockers.
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To me, The Nevadebate was like listening to a pair of amped up high school seniors, the super-smart egghead girl vs. the uncouth classless clown, going at each other in front of all their cheering and jeering friends in the hallway in front of the lockers.

Last night was all on the record and today it is all about the spin.

Trump, for example, will no doubt say, "I did not say "nasty woman." What I did say, immediately after I said 'No one respects women more than I do," was "Nestea, woman." I was asking for a nice cold beverage.

He will also claim that the word "bigly" is actually Chinese for huge as in "I buy bigly amounts of Chinese steel instead of creating jobs in Pittsburgh." By the way, Webster just called: it's not a word and he none of his dead friends are voting for you. Ah, illiteracy in America. Though somehow that works for the man who I like to call the American arm candy-date.

Now for their outfits, I'm guessing that not one single thread on that lumbering bear's body was made in America. Though I'm sure you can get a great deal for the same suit at The Men's Un-awarehouse. Hilary's outfit, to me, said, "Which one of us is wearing the pants now, pussy boy?"

If Ringling Brothers are no longer going to have animal acts, I suggest that they take Donald out on the road, because he is more trainable that anyone thinks.

He was clearly told to PACE himself. Start slowly, speak lowly and use bigly, while you aim and shoot her down the way your sons Crisco greasy henchmen sons, Fredo and Skittles, murder innocent grazing animals for sport on the Serengeti. And then wave her sawed off tail triumphantly for the big internet photo op

But here's the thing. And perhaps this is why Barnum and Bailey will take a pass on this act. After about twenty minutes or so, the tranquilizer dart drugs clearly began to wear off and out surged Leroy, the chest pounding orangutan who started swinging from vine to vine, grunting, grimacing, interrupting and snorting his way through the men's-only jungle where me no like lady,

Beyond that, once he was settled down a few times by the surprisingly agile Chris Wallace in the Fox vs. Orangutan showdown, Trump then transformed into Beuford T. Shithead of Appalachia, spitting out gobs to-bacee into his nearby spa-toon while spouting baseless vitriol from the chair of Floyd's Barber shop with all the evidence required by Archie Bunker.

We all know how we got here.

The GOP, in a clear and present effort to treat our new black president like he was the uppity slave to their southern Birth of a Nation-style good ol' boy plantation owners, made it a blood promise pledge to defeat any significant bill that was created on behalf of the people. It was destroy his legacy from day one.

And when it came time to take on Obamacare, they mangled it and then instructed their puppet state governors to make sure that little Bobby, who was dying with say, the precondition of terminal Leukemia, should drop dead. Fuck him.

It was the same NRA backed, smug attitude they all took on while pretending to defend the second Amendment, just like when they trampled on the souls and graves of the lost children of Sandy Hook.

I'm a Jew and I'm a fuck load more Christian than any of them will ever be.

And per the whole right to life thing, they clearly and obviously do not give a shit about the lives of our living, in-need children. They are pandering to the clueless faithful of America who NEED to believe that someone is HEARING them.

Fox and conservative was a great propaganda machine for them to spread the fake word while pretending that it was all fair and balanced.

And the truly rich of America backed them too for all their quid quo pro tax breaks.

And then suddenly, a pregnancy appeared: the one single pregnancy that should have aborted: Baby Boy Trump came along and instead of escorting him right to Planned Parenthood, they not only let him live...they personally raised him.

The big joke is that je is the pure spawn of them.

Ah. But he is not them. He's worse.

He's a rogue agent. A violent, combustible, unpredictable and uncooperative disrupter who has no allegiance to anyone other than his own salivating need for money and power. It's misplaced manhood 101. See: living in the shadow of your far more successful, intimidating and domineering daddy. Also see: George W. Bush and John McCain. By the way: Obamacare does cover that.

Trump is literally the monster of their own Garden of Eden and creationism has finally caught up with them.

They're right on one point: Trump is proof positive that evolution has not taken place.

It is not surprising that Trump has appeared on the stage of World Wrestling Entertainment. Everyone knows and accepts that it's basically the equivalent of a Bazooka Joe comic, but the throngs pour into those arenas, many of whom have more than one head, are exactly who has shown up to his rallies. The ones who despise education (as in Obama: code once again for racism), and think that global warming is a hoax (as in I know better than scientists and nuclear physicists. Wasn't it Trump who said he knows more about ISIS than the generals?)

Trump is the Vince McMahon of American Politics who has taken American down to the very same level of Raw or Smack Down.

What you saw last night, in WWE parlance, was the villain vs. the baby face. It was two different Americas brought before you.

It was the thug wrestler vs. the skilled, civilized pugilist.

And it was clear who won every single round by unanimous decision.

Substance won. Decency won. Education won. Ideas won. Civilized society won.

To paraphrase Meet John Doe:

The people: try to lick em'.

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