McInnis On AZ Immigration Law: "I Would Do Something Very Similar" in Colorado

Republican gubernatorial frontrunner Scott McInnis just declared his support for Arizona's controversial immigration/racial profiling law, saying that "I would do something very similar" in Colorado if elected governor.
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As discussed on the AM760 morning show, Republican gubernatorial frontrunner Scott McInnis just declared his support for Arizona's controversial immigration/racial profiling law, saying that "I would do something very similar" in Colorado if elected governor in 2010. We clipped the audio excerpt from his interview with Peter Boyles this morning. You can find that audio here.

We'll be discussing the political ramifications of McInnis's announcement on the show tomorrow (Thursday) and we will update folks on how many other states may be implementing this odious law in the future. Tune in from 7-10am every weekday on your radio dial or online at

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