Facebook And The Afterlife

Facebook And The Afterlife
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Last week was my mother's birthday. I woke up to a morning e-mail from Facebook. It said, "Helene Wygant is having a birthday today. Post on her timeline."

That's interesting. My mom passed away last September, yet she still has a timeline. Let me go a little deeper into this, because I didn't know that Facebook was communicating with the afterlife, and then I thought to myself...

My mother does have a timeline. She has a timeline that will never end. A timeline that is perpetually open. You see, once you die, your timeline becomes endless. Wherever my mom is right now, she has an endless timeline because time is a human existence, and that's it.

Facebook is a human creation. We have timelines on Facebook so we can measure accomplishments, or post things that are either meaningful or meaningless. We post them so our friends and followers can find out about us. We can have birthday wishes from people we haven't seen in 15 years, which actually makes you feel really nice. Facebook is a perpetual timeline.

But when you die, there is no timeline. Death is endless. We have no idea what happens after we die. Even Facebook think's they're communicating with the dead by posting dead people's timelines.
I'll share something really personal and really interesting with all of you; when I was growing up my mom was kind of a hippie in some ways, kind of a freak in other ways, and an altogether different person.

We had a ghost in our house. No kidding.

I saw the ghost. I watched the ghost playing tricks. I don't want to go deep into this, but I experienced what it's like communicating with a ghost. My mom was able to communicate with the ghost too, so there were two of us who were able to communicate with the dead in our house.

My mom always said she would die before me, and that she would come back and leave the light on for me. No, this is not a Motel 6 commercial.

The ghost in our house used to always leave lights on. I'd wake up in the morning, and whichever light was the last one I turned off the night before, was always on in the morning.

So one night back in December of last year, I woke up at 5:00 in the morning and I thought it was sunny. Then I realized, it couldn't possibly be sunny, because I close all my shades in the house. I live in this giant loft, and it's all windows. Then I look around and every single light in my bedroom was on!

My mother did exactly what she said she would do. She had left the light on for me. Ever since that night, I've come home to my bathroom lights being on. Even when Frank, one of my coaches came around, he found the light on in my closet. My mom has been perpetually turning lights on ever since that night in December.

I have been feeling her around constantly. I don't know what she's trying to say. I'm not a medium. I certainly know when she's around because I can feel it.

So today's discussion will probably be a discussion that we've never had before, and a discussion I'm excited to post on the women's blog. I find women are more interested in this subject than men.
Have any of you ever seen a ghost? Have any of you ever communicated with the dead?

Let's talk about this today. This should be interesting.

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