5 Things To Do Your First Few Weeks In College

Take advantage of your professors' office hours and drop by or make an appointment to meet for a few minutes with each one -- whether they are in your major area of study or not.
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America's Got Talent superstar emcee Nick Cannon has announced he has enrolled as a freshman at Howard University to finish his education. An impressive action but Cannon does have a lot of hard work ahead of him. Here are a few things he and other college students can do for higher education success:

1.Meet with all your professors
Take advantage of your professors' office hours and drop by or make an appointment to meet for a few minutes with each one -- whether they are in your major area of study or not. Become a face they recognize. Ask each of your instructors the same question -- what's the one thing you wish you had known or done as a college student?

2.Sit in the front row
Someone is paying for your education. Do not waste that money. Go to class, get to class a few minutes early, and sit in the front row. Every class. Every semester. Every year. Again, it makes you a familiar face in a sea of students, it's easier to pay attention, and you will definitely learn more. Making an effort to meet your instructors, talking to them, and then sitting in the front row of their class could be the difference on a paper between an 89 and a 90. An A or a B. Your call.

3.Have the roommate talk
Odds are you are sharing your living space with at least one other person if not more unless you are Nick Cannon. Sit down NOW and have the "roommate talk." Make it a casual, calm conversation over coffee or maybe a few beers. Talk about music, how loud you like it or don't like it, food sharing, waking hours, sleeping hours, living space responsibilities, dirty or clean, study hours, overnight guests, any guests, smelly candles, etc. Try to go over everything that could be a point of contention. Find out where everyone stands and then come to a compromise on how things will be done. Do it now so it does not stew later and become a big problem.

4.Get organized
Create a good filing system on your laptop and make sure you can find any file anytime anywhere. Learn how to use the Cloud. Use a calendar app with notifications on your phone that syncs with your computer. Organize your schedule and know where you are supposed to be when. Again, show up a few minutes early. Add a good wakeup time to this organization and stick to it. the more organized you can be, the more successful your will become.

5.Sign up for campus event notices
There is always something going on around campus, from free food to free lectures to free concerts and more. Go to everything you can, even if it's not a subject you are really interested in. It's easy on your limited bank account, is a great way to meet more people, and you just might find a new passion for something. That's what college is for -- to explore every thing!

Need more? Pick up Welcome to College! 101 Ways to Rock Your World -- a great list of tips for new freshman all the way to graduating seniors. Success habits rarely change in college or any industry. Invest in a few now for a lifetime of success.

Dayna Steele tells true rock success stories with The Rock Talk speech presentation based on lessons she learned working with the world's greatest rock stars. She created the 101 Ways to Rock Your World book series. Dayna also found a way to laugh at and explain Alzheimer's. In her spare time, she drinks good wine, plays bad golf, and invests in Broadway.

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