Paul Ryan's Fashion Faux Pas

Hogan Gidley, former Santorum spokesman and GQ's favorite sockless Republican strategist, calls in with these thoughts on Paul Ryan's much-talked about, mostly panned sense of fashion.
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By Marin Cogan, GQ

Hogan Gidley, former Santorum spokesman and GQ's favorite sockless Republican strategist, calls in with these thoughts on Paul Ryan's much-talked about, mostly panned sense of fashion:

"When Paul Ryan walked out on stage at his VP announcement, his suit was so big, I thought his jacket was a batman cape. It was just enormous. Ryan already looks youthful -- and that's a huge positive for us -- but the last thing we want is for Congressman Ryan to look like he's wearing his dad's clothes to work."

"I'm not saying Ryan needs to show up in a screaming tight suit with skinny lapels and a skinny tie, sporting an inch of bare ankle... But with VP-level scrutiny on everything he does, they'll need to get him a suit that fits."

Personally, we want to see the bare ankle.

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