Blacks, Hispanics, Youth and Independents Get on Board With Democrats

For my independent or undecided voter friends who need a reason to vote, let me help.
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The mainstream media has almost sealed the coffin on the Democrats' chances of winning the midterm election. According to media hype, the Democrats should be doing a death walk to their graves now. But, wait the election has not occurred yet. Media hype does not win elections. Votes win election. The tide is turning in the direction of the Democrats to do just that. Voters are now enthusiastically coming out to see President Obama and Democratic candidates all across the country. Rallies in Madison, Wis., Philadelphia, Columbus, Ohio, Las Vegas and Bowie, Md. drew tens of thousands of supporters and have been credited with energizing Democrats and improving poll numbers for candidates in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Maryland. In the upcoming week, President Obama will attend rallies in Philadelphia, Bridgeport, Conn. and Chicago on Saturday, October 30 and Cleveland, Ohio on Sunday, October 31. An October 22 rally at the University of Southern California drew estimated crowds large enough to change to a larger venue. DNC Chairman Tim Kaine says:

The President's efforts to date have been vital to increasing Democratic enthusiasm and putting our candidates in a position to win and defy the pundits' expectations for this election. As we see the tide turning in our direction, the President, participating in these events and laying out the choice voters face on November 2, will be vital to improving our chances for success on Election Day.

The media have been proven wrong in prior death-knell predictions for Democrats. In 1998, the media predicted wide spread gloom and doom for Democrats, with expected losses of 25-30 seats in the House. That year, the Democrats picked up 5 seats to win. In 1994, just the opposite occurred because the Democratic base lost interest and did not come out to vote. Instead of the pundits' prediction of losses of 25-30 Democratic House seats, 52 seats were lost. The 2010 midterm election is now shaping up to look more like the 1998 midterm. President Obama is clearly giving voters the choice of what is at stake. Voters are now favorably responding after hearing what is at stake for them.

African Americans, Hispanics, young adults and independents hold the key for Democrats. African American voters -- many who face greater economic loss through job losses, high unemployment and foreclosure, were lukewarm in their enthusiasm weeks earlier. Now, as voters understand the issues -- they are waking up to the call for action. According to researcher, David Bositis of Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, there are 20 House races, where African Americans could be the deciding factor. African Americans could change the tide in Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials indicate Hispanic voters will impact tight races in California, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, New Mexico and Texas. Arturo Vargas, executive director, says the Latino vote" will make all the difference in 2010."

University of Michigan political scientist, Vincent Hutchings, states if the GOP gains control, instead of providing services to help individuals hurt by the downturn in the economy, the GOP would be "hostile" to them. Historically, the Republican Party is not one that has provided jobs for the middle- and working-class. If the Democrats lose either the House or Senate, the impact will be felt worse by Blacks and Hispanics.

President Obama is firing up the youth vote by rallying on campuses of The Ohio State University, University of Washington and the University of Southern California. President Obama is also appearing on Jon Stewart's "Daily Show" and endorsing the Rally to Restore Sanity on the National Mall on October 30 where many young adults are expected to attend.

For my independent or undecided voter friends who need a reason to vote, let me help. Former President Bill Clinton left the office in 2000 leaving our country with a budget surplus. What did George W. Bush do with our surplus? He used it for funding the Iraq war which he lied about to get us involved. That little war cost us billions and still counting. Mr. Bush sent 6 million jobs out of the country. That's why we speak to someone in India to fix a local problem. The 8 year Bush-Cheney administration forced us into the worst economic disaster since the 1929 Depression, causing people to lose their homes, jobs, retirement investments and home values.

The choice is simple. If you want more illegal wars, fiscal irresponsibility, job losses by the millions and tax breaks for people who have more money than they can ever spend in a lifetime, then vote Republican. If you care about moving American forward with jobs, education and fixing the economy, then vote for Democrats.

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