How to Help State-Level Democrats Play Offense Across the Country

Success at the federal level is only a small part of the story. Democrats also stand our best chance in years to gain governorships and legislative majorities in states across the country.
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Democrats could achieve substantial gains on the federal level this year, and many of us are understandably excited. Widespread disillusionment with Republicans coupled with successful efforts to field credible Democratic challenges across the country have given us the best chance we've had to retake at least one chamber of the U.S. Congress in more than a decade. If it happens, this will represent great progress in reversing the national conservative tide.

But success at the federal level is only a small part of the story. Democrats also stand our best chance in years to gain governorships and legislative majorities in states across the country. Helping them do so is the most highly leveraged long-term investment Democrats can make this fall.

If all goes well in November, 30 of the nation's 50 Governors could be Democrats. Many of these Democratic Governors could also have the opportunity to work with state house and senate chambers with Democratic majorities. It's possible - although not yet certain - that by January, 20 states - states as diverse as Colorado, Iowa, and North Carolina -- could have Democratic 'trifectas' - Democratic governors with Democrats in control of both state chambers.

This is how Democrats can play offense instead of defense. New policy ideas usually bubble up from the state to the federal level. With control of state legislatures and governors committed to progressive policy agendas, we could see meaningful progress on issues like health care, living wage, and a host of social issues. These state initiatives can then serve as models and testing grounds for a proven national agenda. Plus, today's state legislators are tomorrow's members of Congress. Today's governors are tomorrow's Presidents.

Realizing this vision hinges, in part, on a modest number of close races in a few states. Even small donations to candidates in these races can make an enormous difference, as these races are far less costly than congressional races. Many of these campaigns have total budgets of $20,000 and margins of victory in the hundreds -- not thousands -- of votes. Helping the candidates who can tip the majorities in their states is among the smartest and highest-return political giving this cycle. And, since contributions to state candidates are not counted toward federal contribution limits, supporting these races does not have to detract from support for U.S. House and Senate candidates. Turning out Democratic voters in many of these state races also has the added benefit of helping federal candidates on the same ballots--another way to help assure Democratic control of the U.S. Congress.

We have done an exhaustive survey of races around the country and zeroed in on a few that are likely to matter most and where contributions now can make the most difference. To highlight them, and to facilitate online donations, we have created an page .

If we are to move our country into a progressive era, we cannot simply focus on short term gains on the federal level. Even if Democrats are successful at taking back the U.S. House, we remain on the defense. Democrats need an offense too, a way for us to pass progressive policy and give life to our vision of a better America. This opportunity exists on the state level.

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