New Humanity - Part 2

New Humanity - Part 2
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Dear Friends,

Many have asked me how they might more actively participate in the birthing of a critical mass of consciousness that is already, palpably bringing forth a better world through a combination of personal and social transformation.

Over the last 3 years, a growing constellation of people have come together globally in an Alliance for A New Humanity (ANH) - positioning themselves collectively as a catalyst for the emerging critical mass.

What might a new humanity look like? Just imagine - humanity at peace, being actively-compassionate, every person wholly nourished, Mother Earth and her atmosphere nurtured. The Alliance is committed to moving the conversations of a new humanity forward and has been busy establishing an infrastructure or foundation for this important global dialogue.

I now invite you to actively participate in this conversation.

* If you want to become an instrument of change for the world, gather people in your community and host a conversation about 'A New Humanity'. Get together periodically, either as a new group or within one already established for personal or social transformation purposes. Share your common visions and create a new story for humanity.
* These conversations could take place in your living room or in any meeting place and include just a few people or a large number. Already, gatherings of people engaging in this conversation across the globe are springing up - in Canada, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, United States and Argentina.

The Strategic Objectives of the Alliance for a New Humanity to accelerate a global movement for a better world can be used as a theme for your meetings. These strategic objectives are:

* To Connect
* To Communicate
* To Inspire
* To Support

The ancient wisdom traditions of India identify three components necessary for change. The ANH objectives above reflect this ancient wisdom, summarized in the following three Sanskrit words.

1. SATSANG: Gathering together to share wisdom and guidance, (To Connect/to be in communion)
2. SIMRAN: Reflecting on who we really are (To Share the inspiration)
3. SEVA: Being in Service with devotion and compassion (To Support)

1. SATSANG: Gathering together to share wisdom and guidance. (To Connect)

Start the meeting by quoting from a favorite poet, philosopher or spiritual master, reflecting on the oneness of all being, the oneness of humanity. In SATSANG, 'To Connect' or gather takes an even deeper meaning ~ to truly experience the underlying communion of humanity. Bringing our attention to the oneness of humanity inspires the gathering with a power or synergy that gives access to the field of all possibility.

2. SIMRAN: To reflect on who we really are. (To Communicate, to share inspiration)

SIMRAN is a profound reflection into the nature of the true Self, the essence of you or the spirit of you. When this reflection is done in communication with others, it inspires ~ infuses with spirit ~ and unveils or unleashes the collective power of the essential connection we share, serving our inner transformation as well as global transformation.

A. After the initial moment ask all present to describe in three or four words their perception, their inner feelings, what they sense by being there at that moment

B. Then invite the group to reflect on a series of key questions as follows:

* What is my principal life focus?
* What have I felt when I have had a peak experience (transcendental moment or epiphany?)
* What contribution do I want to make in my life to my community and the world?
* Who are my heroes & heroines in history, religion, philosophy? (try to name five)
* What are the qualities I most admire in these heroes & heroines?
* What is the principal quality I look for in a good friend?
* What are my unique skills and talents?
* What are the best qualities I possess in my personal relations?
* How might I best put these skills and qualities into service for a peaceful, just and sustainable world?

The answers to these questions should be no longer than 25 words or phrases. They would represent a description of each person's soul and its calling; a sort of soul profile.

C. Allow for sharing of these insights, which can be a very inspiring experience. Every time you do this in a gathering you will find a heightening of the expression of your own true Self.


3. SEVA: Being in Service with devotion and compassion (To Support)

Finally SEVA, compassion in action or selfless service, emerges spontaneously out of just presenting that we are one humanity. The desire to serve then flows spontaneously, not through any sense of duty but born out of love. In serving for the greater good with devotion and caring, the beneficiary is principally the giver.

A. Invite those at the gathering to choose activities that can in some way contribute to the well being of others in your community.

•This could be personal commitment to volunteerism like helping an aging person, a hospice, a hospital etc.
•It could be a group activity like feeding the homeless in your city, or providing warm clothes or shelter during cold weather.
•Activities could be done by the reflection group itself or in association with charitable and service organizations already active in your area; supporting, for example, an orphanage or some other community need, offering your volunteer services or offering financial support as a group.

B. Identify what actions will be taken and plan to report back on experiences in subsequent gatherings.

C. Celebrate: Always end your gathering nourishing those present with a moment of joy and celebration, a song, a dance, a session of laughter and merry, a rejoicing of the fact that you are weaving together with so many others the tapestry of 'A New Humanity.'

"Action without love is meaningless, and love without action is irrelevant." ~ Hafsat Abiola

The Alliance for A New Humanity is linking at a global level all these local and thematic community efforts, accelerating a worldwide movement of SATSANG - SIMRAN - SEVA (CONNECT - COMMUNICATE/ INSPIRE - SUPPORT) by bringing together people, organizations and individuals alike, who are increasingly transforming the world for the better.

This transformation of humanity is occurring through a change of heart, arising out of recognition that there is only one humanity, one continuum of being. As this recognition ~ this loving consciousness ~ dawns within you, you find yourself spontaneously moved to action.

As the ANH website develops over the next months, activities initiated by new humanity alliances all over the world will be reported on the site. This will create a virtual "constellation" where communities from across the globe can be knitted together, exchanging, recognizing and supporting each other as the understanding of the oneness of our humanity unfolds. Together we will celebrate the stories of communities discharging the selfless service that is born out of the compassion of that understanding.

Thank you for becoming part of this global constellation. Please contact us to let us know of your local gatherings, and share with us the stories and examples of change that you and yours co-create within your community or abroad. These are the stories that will inspire others around you, and around the world, to join in fanning the flames of change.

Love, Deepak

Deepak Chopra,

President Alliance for A New Humanity

"Participate in the ongoing development of our strategic plan posted in its entirety at

We invite you to visit us often at the rapidly evolving virtual home of the Alliance for 'A New Humanity' (ANH), If you are new to this conversation and wish to receive special updates and messages join our mailing list under the "participate" circle of our site.

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