THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT BAILEY: The 8 Things I love about my dog

THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT BAILEY: The 8 Things I love about my dog
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Over three years ago on a beautiful spring day I picked up my puppy Bailey. He was merely five pounds of white fluff but one look and I was in love. I can't tell you the countless smiles he has brought me. In honor of Bailey being the bee's knees I wanted to share the things I love about my badass dog.

1.He is a snuggle bear. I swear Bailey is psychic. Anytime I'm down he puts his little paw on my arm and curls right up into my lap. Immediately, I feel better.
2.He is my protector. A pedi-cab driver wouldn't leave me alone so my brave pup not only made a barking ruckus but he ended with a killer finale...peeing on the harasser's shoe. (Classic!)
3. He is my trainer. I hate to work out and the only real exercise I get is B-dawg having me walk him every day in Central Park. He's a slave driver but I definitely have more definition in my calves now.
4.He is my matchmaker. If my furry man doesn't like the man I'm dating, I take it as a major indication that the new dude is not kosher.
5.He is my clock. Bailey likes his schedule. He runs into the bedroom at 11:30pm with his stuffed blue teddy bear ready for bed. Then, he is bright eyed and bushy-tailed by 7am. If I stray from the schedule too much, I get barked at.
6.He is an entertainer. Dog lover or not, two minutes with Bailey and you're the newest member of his fan club.
7.He is my baby training wheels. One day I want to have kids, and Bailey will always be my first love critter. I've had to clean up pee, poop, and vomit yet I still love him.
8.He is unconditional love. I've had friends and boyfriends come and go, but Bailey is a constant.

Ok kids, I've got to run; Bailey is bringing the blue teddy bear. It's bedtime. If you have a pup big or small, make sure to tell them how much you love them.

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