Help Locate and Lock Up This Predator !

Help Locate and Lock Up This Predator !
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Today I want to ignite a nationwide manhunt. This guy has got to be located and stopped!
I'm sure you remember him: John Mark Karr, the slight, feminine looking man with the receding hairline who was extradited from Thailand to Colorado after he very publicly confessed to killing Jon Benet Ramsey.

Back in the fall of 2006, police in Boulder, Colorado declared Karr's confession was phony when his DNA did not match what was recovered from the murdered beauty queen's underwear. His handwriting didn't match the ransom note. They realized he hadn't even been in Boulder at the time of the murder. They sent Karr packing, despite the fact that his laptop was full of child pornography, and wrote him off as a delusional loon who'd confessed for the attention.

Well, John Mark Karr hasn't stopped his weirdness and he's now back on law enforcement's radar. This time he's come to the attention of the San Francisco police department. He's apparently been roaming the Pacific Northwest, Seattle specifically, continuing to e-mail an unknown number of faithful minions and reportedly asking them to help form a cult of Jon Benet look-a-likes. He demands girls as young as four, with small feet and he prefers blonds. He calls this would-be child harem "The Immaculates."

Now, one of Karr's followers is turning on him.

Her name is Samantha Spiegel and she says she's had enough of the madness. Now 19, this beautiful brunette college student says she first met Karr at nine years old as a student at San Francisco's Convent of the Sacred Heart School.

He was the teacher every child, "could hardly wait to see every day," she told me. "He's just so good with children." Karr didn't last long in that job - he was mysteriously fired - but Samantha never forgot him.

After seeing Karr on television during the extradition proceeding Samantha, who was struggling with drug abuse at the time, decided to reach out to him. Although Karr was engaged to a woman (who had a four year old daughter) he began an obsessive telephone and e-mail campaign for control of Samantha. I've read his convoluted e-mails and could see how he attempted to brainwash her, to make her believe she was specially chosen to recruit Immaculates. Receiving thousands of e-mails a month from the unrelenting Karr, the vulnerable Samantha became consumed with pleasing him.

"It's scary looking back now," she says. "I would have sheltered him, or killed for him to be completely honest..." and her voice trails off in a sheepish tone. Samantha's parents saw the danger and put her in a treatment center for 16 months away from Karr's influence.

In the meantime, in Seattle, Karr legally changed his name to Alexis Valoran Reich (as in the Third Reich). Upon Samantha's return home from treatment, in December 2009, another bombardment of e-mails came from Karr. In graphic detail he continued his sex talk, especially about lusting after young girls and forming a cult. Karr also vividly described his recent sex change operation and sent his new Facebook picture looking like a woman.

Who knows if this chronic liar is telling the truth about the operation or if Alexis is just one of his multiple personalities? He also writes terroristic e-mails to Samantha under the names Drk Prnz (Dark Prince) and Daxis the Conqueror!

"I still want that little (girl) cult!" - March 29, 2010 at 12:51 pm

"I can help you, (with drugs) Samantha. But if I find you have been deceiving me I will kill you and laugh as you die. Do you understand me?" - April 10, 2010 - 2:53 pm

"Give me your house phone number. If you cost me my little girls I will hunt you down and kill you."
- April 10, 20101 - 3:10 pm

And then there was this incredibly disturbing e-mail, released by a police source, sent on the 12th anniversary of Jon Benet Ramsey's murder. The recipient's name has never been made public.

"To smell and taste that sweet six year old sex again as I did on that night 12 years ago - that sex that I drank from would be pure heaven. I craved her blood and continue to. I will kill again. It will not atone for her death but it will honor it. And I have killed again and again - roaming the world, within and without, seeking whom I might devour!!!!!! They died for her; for me; all my sweet little girl victims whom have died for me in the far reachest of the world. Long live the Killer of Little Princesses!!!! Daxis the Conqueror!"

This is one sick son of a you-know-what.

Samantha has done everything right as she struggles to rid her life of this predator. She's filed police reports, gotten a restraining order, hired a veteran former sex crimes Prosecutor named Robin Sax. But Karr knows where she lives, goes to school and what kind of car she drives.

Posing as Alexis, Karr was last tracked by people following his activities to a homeless women's shelter in Seattle but told people there he was headed to "the Bay area" where Sam lives.

No law enforcement official I've spoken to can understand why a man who constantly talks about sex cults and children and murder is still running loose. Attorney Sax hints darkly that she knows of other Karr victims out there who are just not as brave as Samantha.

"He is the worst kind of crazy. He's convinced not only the public but also many officials that he is just delusional but I think that's calculated ... This makes him especially dangerous."

With his penchant for running when he gets trapped Karr could be anywhere. Keep an eye out for him, will you? If you see him contact police in San Francisco's Northern Division.

I hope they'll have more than just Samantha's restraining order waiting for him.

- 30-

The Dana Pretzer Radio show of May 4, 10- with Samantha, Attny Sax, Private Eye Logan and Diane Dimond can be heard here.

Diane Dimond can be reached through her web site at:

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