It Really Is Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been

Getting involved is a great way to also stay connected with the world. You will find out things about yourself that you never knew.
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"It's Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been." --George Eliot

I recently came across an article on the Huffington Post that resonated with me and my experience growing up as a teenager, as well as many others that have gone down this road at one point or will soon be walking down this road at some point in their lives.

Ella, the author of this article states that in recent years she has seen passion transformed into mere indifference, watered down by the ideas of youth and complacency coupled by adolescents' lac of interest, and unrealistic standards held by institutes of higher learning. She goes on to say that this indifference is to be blamed on the "process" of education. I couldn't agree more.

I graduated high school not knowing what I wanted in life. All I remember were my teachers and fellow classmates telling me "It's really all about the grades." Take it from me; it's really not just that! I ended up graduating with all A's on my report card, and not a darn clue of what I wanted to do when I grow up. The following year, I received an acceptance letter to a college that I had applied to. And my journey to discover my bright future began. And let me tell you it was the probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, not because I was clueless about what I wanted in life, but because I hadn't truly discovered what my passions in life were, and given the time to actually learn about myself. I'll be honest with you. It took me a few years to discover my passions, build on my strengths, learn from my weaknesses, and pursue life in all its greatness. I've also learned that It's OK if you don't know what you want to be when you grow up.

The road to success is never an easy one. If you look back to the beginning where all great men and woman began their discoveries in life, there were often a series of failures and an unknown future. That didn't stop them. In fact, it gave them a reason to keep going and to pursue their dreams. One might ask what are some ways to pursue our inner passions in life. Simple. Discover it, then Become it.

A great piece of advice that I wish someone shared with me when I was younger was to get involved. Volunteering with a local or even worldwide organization/foundation has really had a huge impact on my life and in discovering my passions. I always seemed to stand out, in the sense that I've always dreamed of someday giving back to the world, and making it a better place to live in.

Getting involved is a great way to also stay connected with the world. You will find out things about yourself that you never knew. You will learn the importance of being a volunteer; communicate with others, and most importantly, you will learn to let your mind wander and let your heart discover. So what are you waiting for. Discover your passions in life and become the person you were born to be.

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