Anticipating a Great Victory for Real Americans Today

We really told them phony-baloney Democrats today. What a great day for patriots, for Real America, for Real Americans. We voted for real change, not for that phony hopey-changey.
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We really told them phony-baloney Democrats today. What a great day for patriots, for Real America, for Real Americans. We voted for real change, not for that phony hopey-changey.

We finally took our country back. We really cleaned their clocks. We threw the bums out.

Bums who had the chance to build upon our accomplishments, but who, instead, had the audacity to -- in two short, miserable years -- try to destroy what we worked so hard to give Real Americans over eight long years:

And how about those salutary increases in the number of uninsured Americans, Americans living in poverty, in consumer credit debt, in the cost of a college education and so many more neat accomplishments that America enjoyed during those great eight years?

But our work is not done yet.

We must redouble our efforts during the next two years to finish the job we started, to achieve the single most important thing for the new Congress, to make that usurper, that fake American, Barack Hussein Obama, a one-term president and then come back full circle to give re-birth to one of the greatest periods of American renaissance, prosperity, unprecedented prestige, civil liberties, tolerance, unity, compassionate conservatism, family values, bipartisanship, ethics, transparency and openness in government; a period that began on January 20, 2001, and which was tragically short-circuited eight short years later.

Cynical? You bet! Disappointed? Of course. Sour grapes? Perhaps.

Perhaps also reflecting on The Grapes of Wrath and on George Santayana's warning, something about those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

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