If I Were Hillary's Campaign Manager

Being Hillary Clinton's campaign manager would not be the most enviable of jobs to hold at the moment. So, what advice would I have given Hillary when the delegate counts were slipping away?
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Being Hillary Clinton's campaign manager would not be the most enviable of jobs to hold at the moment. Clinton faces a struggle against the momentum that Barack Obama has been building the last few weeks. I am no expert in the political strategy game, but some solutions boil down to common sense, a tactic often overlooked in the election game.

This is why I have been perplexed with the way in which Hillary's campaign has chosen to deal with the delegate losses she has recently suffered. Somewhere along the line, she has been advised to "go for the jugular" in response. I can only guess this advice was dispensed out of fear that she would seem weak. Besides, fiercely attacking one's opponent has become rote. All this approach has rewarded her with is an audible backlash.

On top of the combativeness, Hillary has taken to the airwaves with her appearance on SNL and her forthcoming visit to The Daily Show shortly before the crucial upcoming primaries. She smiles and jokes. Aggressive Hillary versus Hillary with a sense of humor. So, what effect do these two sides have in the public sphere? Is this dual approach helping her campaign?

I'll have to go with a resounding NO. If anything, its hurting her. Most of us approach politics with a healthy dose of skepticism and playing both sides comes off as disingenuous. We've had enough of that from the current administration. We don't need anymore.

I'll go even further and say that the tactics Hillary has employed actually boosts Obama's campaign. When the gloves come off it builds the idea of Obama as the underdog. And America has always loved an underdog.

So, what advice would I have given Hillary when the delegate counts were slipping away? Take the high road. It would have been a shock to see a politician take the road less traveled. But this advice will remain unheard, and if it by chance could come within earshot, it may have arrived too late.

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