State GOP Chair Seeks to Outsource Republican Primary

When we've got a State GOP Chairman who thinks the biggest problem with the Republican Party is that Republicans are voting too much, is anyone surprised?
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Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady tells the Chicago Tribune that "he is encouraging a plan in which the Republican Governors Association and other groups with an interest in the Illinois governorship would play a role in winnowing a primary field."

We already knew Pat Brady opposes the idea of Republican voters electing their own State Party leaders. Brady's minions ran another rigged state convention back in June to block the direct election reform yet again.

Now Brady is talking about reducing the role Republican voters would play in choosing our gubernatorial nominee. Brady indicates he would rather defer to unnamed persons who don't even live in the state.

In related news, Crain's Chicago Business released the results of its new poll showing Obama with a 26-point lead over Romney in Illinois.

When we've got a State GOP Chairman who thinks the biggest problem with the Republican Party is that Republicans are voting too much, is anyone surprised?

Doug Ibendahl is a Chicago Attorney and a former General Counsel of the Illinois Republican Party.

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