The Wealthcare Summit: A Dangerous Experiment

The jobs summit was beyond insulting. It was wealthcare at its finest - the pure unadulterated protection of the affluent and the relentless pursuit of displacing all the rest.
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This is a relatively brief blog. And it goes a little somethin' like this.

Today, the world (or maybe people who have TV-time during regular work hours) watched Republican Rep. and Minority Leader, John Boehner say, "Mr. President, I think this has been a useful conversation."

Then the Rep. donned his best DeNiro and pensively peered out at a desperately staged set of papers piled pathetically high in front of him. He continued, "The American people want us to scrap this bill. I think we have the best healthcare system in the world, and this bill is a dangerous experiment."

Hard to believe, but Rep. Boehner was onto something There was a dangerous experiment at hand, but It wasn't the bill and it wasn't healthcare. It was the summit itself.

Remarkably, the representative was an eager and willing subject, as was every Washingtonian soldier at the summit. This experiment allowed Americans to witness all the kids in the sandbox fastening their flag pins, tightening their ties and making campaign speeches while we go broke, suffer or die. Yippee. That was fun, guys. Thanks. Let's do it again real soon.

What we witnessed was beyond insulting. It was wealthcare at its finest - the pure unadulterated protection of the affluent and the relentless pursuit of displacing all the rest.

Please, someone, tell me how today's discourse helped my friend whose 40-year-old husband is holed up in a nursing home wasting away under the weight of a brain disease while his wife and three kids wonder how they can pay the $300 per day ransom for the room he shares with an octogenarian?

The reality is, he might die today while that crew in the room calculated every last detail, especially the part about how their spiels would contribute to campaign financing for November's mid-term tussle.

This summit was not fascinating. It was farcical. It was not productive. It was dispassionate at its very best. A bunch of blowhards sat around the campfire and dispensed one ghost story after another as the entire middle class (a.k.a. poor people) shrieked in horror with the drop of every wily word.

This experiment is rife with danger indeed, like running through a sea of mud. It's dirty, it's turtle-slow, it's frustration times a billion and it's something none of us out here in the real world can suffer anymore.

The president has but one choice: Cancel the rest of the circus acts, get onto the high-wire himself and risk everything that 18+ million people paid a pretty penny for. Otherwise, a whole behemoth-like bundle of us might either be too sick or too dead to show up to the polls.

For more high-octane opinion... go here.

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