The Beauty of Giving Your Whole Heart

The Beauty of Giving Your Whole Heart
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You just never know. We just never know the powerful impact we have upon others by claiming the freedom to express who we really are. It is said that the miracle of our greatest acts are never known to us. Especially when these acts come from full, open-hearted expression!

Last night, as we waited for the opening number of "Celtic Woman" to begin, I could not get the words of one of you out of my mind! Usedtobequiet, whether you know it or not, you were sitting there, right beside me, at the concert, Row T, seat 4, at the Paramount Theater in Seattle. Your story was fresh in my heart. I'd been thinking about your courage to step out of your box, of living too limited a life, and claim your dream. This takes fearless loving, and fabulous living. It takes having the strong heart and clear intention of a Resilience Champion. It is so easy to fall back, discount what is possible, ignore your own Call to the Wild, those parts of ourselves that lay hidden from view, and go to spoil, leaving the Call unanswered. You did not let this happen. In so doing, your act has inspired many. For those who did not catch your response to my article, let me share it here:

"I ran my first half marathon recently. As I ran along with thousands of other people, I was thinking that it was the perfect metaphor for life. First you decide you're going to do it, then you train for it and worry about it (maybe too much), but you're prepared. When you get right down to it though, you never know what might happen, but you just keep moving forward. People show up along the way to cheer you on, some people decide it's too rainy and stay home instead. You can't help but notice that the energy of the people really lifts you and moves you forward. People are smiling and yelling your name and giving you high fives and you keep going. You aren't thinking about the people that stayed home - you're thinking about the ones on the edge of the route in the rain, or the ones that run beside you for a while, share a few kind words then run ahead or fall behind. We're all so connected. As I searched for the finish line a much younger woman ran with me for a little while - she said I inspired her. It was humbling. I was just running. But you never know when you might inspire someone, so you just do what you do, by moving forward and being present."

The Power of Presence
As echoes of your story lingered with me, the women from Ireland walked onto the stage. Honestly, you'd have to have a brick for awareness not to be transfixed. In the backdrop was a large 'moon' shaped screen, onto which was projected imagery ranging from the sea, the stars, to a gentle shower of rose petals. And, then, a tiny blond pixie with long, silken straight hair, clad in flowing white long gown, pranced onto the stage and smack into our hearts. More an Irish sprite than anything, Mairead leapt, twirled, and 'arabesqued' her way across the stage courting us through her violin. It was as if she took over where UsedToBeQuiet left off. Now, if truth be told, I've never even liked the violin. Yet, because Mairead responded to her own impassioned Call of the Wild, with such a complete devotion, what she created was simply irresistible. In fact, she, like you, seemed to demonstrate that age-old Wisdom:

"Wherever you go, go with all your heart." -Confucius

This is why we cheered. This is why those in the crowds cheer wildly, giving their 'high fives' as marathon runners race by: we are renewed by the Spirit of those who care enough about living out their dreams to do whatever it takes to make those deeply felt heart's desire come to life. We know what it is to live lives too small. We see you, like Mairead leap and move to the rhythm of your own call of the wild, and we extend our hand in gratitude. You may be racing, or creating music, or anything at all, for your own purpose, but you end up stoking the fire to our own heart's desire. Through your dedication we are reminded how crucial it is to take risks, dream big, extend our hands, and cheer our 'guts out.' As you cross the finish line, we witness what it means to be in this world without aborting the possible. You are running your marathon, and we are with you.

"Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much." -Helen Keller

Keller said a mouthful. "Together we can do so much." The truth of this was brought home in a freshly written final concert piece by the group. It touched such deep places in the darkened theatre, that I saw at least a dozen people in my immediate vicinity hauling out the Kleenex, and dabbing their eyes. The refrain went: "American, ...we hear you calling....America, we feel you weeping...We stand beside you..." There is just something as poignant about the image of a tiny country, like Ireland, through its Feminine Wisdom voices, clear as bells, singing, in essence, "We've got your back." AS we exited the theater, I can assure you, many eyes were tear-stained. So were mine. In the parking garage elevator, one woman put it this way: "In the wounding of our world these past 8 years, no one outside America has noticed the pain this has been for so many of us. Then, along come these women, singing their song, with all their beautiful voices and hearts, and we are suddenly, not alone, but all one after all..." Yes, UsedToBeQuiet, "We're all so connected..."

In keeping with the Spirit of beautiful connections, enjoy the following:

As always, I welcome your connecting with anything that touches you, comments, links, suggestions, and stories. I will do my best to get back to you as quickly as possible. Next week, as I will be speaking at the Super Seminar II in L.A., I will not be posting a column, but will return the following Wednesday. Until then, peace is with you. I've got your back, just as you have mine! With love, Cara


Dr. Cara Barker is a Jungian Analyst, Author, and Artist. She can be reached through and through FB "The Heart Whisperers." This Wednesday, she is featured, along with Freddie Ravel, a multiple Grammy winner on a televised interview.

"If we did the things we are capable of we would astound ourselves." Thomas Edison

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