5 Steps to Becoming the Leader Others Want to Be Around

When you demonstrate a high involvement in the future of your team and consistently exhibit their value to the organization, you will become the go-to leader others want to be around.
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I shall never forget the dread of those Monday morning boardroom meetings. We sat around this huge conference table listening to production reports expecting to exchange ideas and solutions. Instead of feeding our potential with inspiration, I remember a boring display of egotism and presumption. In observance I wondered if I stepped up and voiced what I believed really mattered, would it change the atmosphere at all?

No one wants to be around leaders whose only focus is the numbers that oftentimes leave one feeling discouraged and fatigued. My desire is being the kind of leader others want to be around and so can you by simply implementing these following 5 steps:

1. Locate your leadership purpose. You are probably great at what you do. The numbers work. Sales and production are on the rise. But yet you lack real satisfaction and fulfillment. The role of a leader moreover covers a core definition and when linked to your actions and interactions is when you've realized your leadership purpose. Once you quit the notion of being someone's boss or team leader and start challenging the idea of positively impacting lives, you will discover purpose in what you do and moral and motivation will vastly improve.

2. Share your purpose and vision with your team. Inspire others with what drives you. Let them know you are determined to impact their lives in a greater way. Your vision should include the value added element of improving your team. Consistently communicate this to them in addition to putting it in writing.

3. Enthusiastically encourage creativity. Team members want to know their voice counts. They desire to nurture their creative ideas and add value to the organization. I am a stickler for this because my voice was muffed in both corporate and spiritual organizations. As their transformational leader, take ownership of inspiring them to use their gifts resourcefully. "The way we've always done things" may need revamping and what better way to foster progressive change than including the ideas, concepts and insights of those who will be mostly affected.

4.Coach your team. I remember years ago being handed a stack of folders and was told to analyze its contents then create a presentation to senior management. Had I been advised on why I was selected and coached on what they expected of me in an encouraging way, I would have enjoyed the experience. A leader who coaches her team knows what motivates them. She takes delight in developing and sharpening the group. Schedule coaching sessions with your team and learn about their personal dreams then align their objectives with yours, the group and the organization. This helps everyone reach new peaks in work and life.

5.Show them how to thrive. Change is inevitable in both the organization and in your life. Disruptive change can burden the morale of the group. In pressured times resilience is your ally. In a recent post I shared nine ways to boost resilience and discover your inner strength. The emotional roller-coaster game can be avoided when leaders demonstrate optimism by example. Teach drive and determination with conscious choices for overcoming and blossoming when a set-back occurs.

When you demonstrate a high involvement in the future of your team and consistently exhibit their value to the organization, you will become the go-to leader others want to be around.


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