And the Survey Says: Neil deGrasse Tyson Is the Best Living Science Communicator

We were looking for someone who might be the next Carl Sagan. Tyson is such a person.
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Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist and director of New York's Hayden Planetarium, is interviewed in New York, Tuesday, March 20, 2012. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist and director of New York's Hayden Planetarium, is interviewed in New York, Tuesday, March 20, 2012. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

This post was co-authored with Eric Berger, science writer at The Houston Chronicle.

We recently polled people -- seeking respondents via Twitter, the Houston Chronicle and The Huffington Post -- to determine who is the world's best living science communicator.

We will be the first to admit our methodology was not perfect, and we'll discuss that below, but believe that the results from 579 respondents contained herein offer a pretty good indication of who is likely perceived to be the best living science communicator.

And the short answer is: Neil deGrasse Tyson. More about why we think this is an exceptional choice in a bit, but first, let's get to the results.


The results for our first of two questions (red = awesome, blue = good, green = OK, orange = don't know):

In the first question Tyson is the clear winner, amassing a total of 361 "awesomes," or 73 percent of those who voted on the question. Next closest is Bill Nye (48 percent) and Carl Zimmer (35 percent). Of the people who know Zimmer, his work is rated as "awesome" by 59 percent. That's impressive.

Tyson is the clear winner in every metric but overall recognition. Only Hawking is more well known -- only 2 percent of respondents didn't know him, compared to about 9 percent who said they didn't know Tyson.

The second question aimed to get at the question of how widely read or viewed each communicator was.

The results (red = weekly, blue = monthly, green = a few times a year, orange = never):

Again the clear winner in this category is Tyson, whose work is seen, read or heard weekly by 41 percent of respondents. Zimmer came in second in this category (30 percent), followed by Phil Plait (22 percent). Those three stood clearly ahead of the field.

Thus, based upon the data above, Neil deGrasse Tyson is both the most effective and most visible science communicator. His closest peers, again based on the survey data, are Carl Zimmer, Bill Nye and Phil Plait.


When we launched the poll we received a fair amount of criticism on Twitter, including: the nominees above were poorly chosen, the list was too slanted toward North America, the list was too slanted toward men, the list was too slanted toward TV personalities. And so on.

We think these are fair criticisms, and we (Eric) tried to address them in an interview I did with Deborah Blum for the Knight Science Journalism Tracker.

The bottom line is that this was a first-go at our survey, and we're going to take a lot of the suggestions we received and refine the survey next summer when we plan to do it again.


On a personal note, we fully concur with the choice of Tyson, an astrophysicist.

[caption id="attachment_19415" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Tyson. (©2013 AMNH, Photo by Roderick Mickens)[/caption]

A number of wonderful writers made our list (i.e. Zimmer, Plait) and a number of tremendously successful and great science writers did not make the initial list of 14. Was it fair to exclude so many of these men and women from our initial list?

We were looking for someone who might be the next Carl Sagan. There are a lot of wonderful science bloggers and authors who have devoted audiences, but if their reach is, say, 5,000 or 10,000 or 20,000 people, then they are hardly making a deep impression on the public consciousness at large. So we were looking for people who are both gifted in communicating science and have a broad reach. In today's age that means working in a number of mediums, but perhaps most importantly in television.

Tyson is such a person. He has written books, he has educated people through the Hayden Planetarium, he has appeared on countless television shows and he has a marvelous weekly podcast, Star Talk (be sure to listen to the Cosmic Queries episodes, in which Tyson appears to know everything). He also will host Cosmos, a show coming on FOX next year that is a re-make of Sagan's hit series that aired in 1980. This is sure to boost his profile further.

Perhaps by this time next year we will be talking about Tyson not just as possibly the next Carl Sagan, but simply as the next Sagan.

A version of this post appeared at SciGuy, a blog at The Houston Chronicle.

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