Thank you, Senator Charles Schumer and Senate Democrats

Thank you, Senator Charles Schumer and Senate Democrats
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I would like to thank New York Senator Charles Schumer for his professionalism and grace in helping to move along the confirmations of General James Mattis for Secretary of Defense and General John Kelly as the head of Homeland Security.

I realize that as the leader of Senate Democrats, Schumer could have attempted to flex his political muscle and filibustered either of these two Generals. This is especially true of Mattis, who needed a waiver since there was a seven-year moratorium in place on appointing a recent Veteran to the position.

Thankfully, Senator Schumer chose country over party and now these two supremely qualified men will be able to lead in positions that are extremely well-suited for.

I have written in-depth about my admiration for both Generals and have given reasons why I think they will do a great job.

And the fact that they were so easily confirmed is a testament not only to the judgment of President Trump, but also the judgment of Senator Schumer and his fellow Democrats.

I know Senate Democrats don't agree with everything President Trump wants to do. I also know there will be many battles ahead between the two parties.

But on these two confirmations, both sides of the aisle came together and did the right things and that is a beautiful thing to see.

There will be disagreements to come, but for now, Senate Democrats deserve praise and I truly hope they are willing to continue working with President Trump and his team for the betterment of our great country more in the future.

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