A Connection Between Afghanistan: and the Health Care Bill?

A Connection Between Afghanistan: and the Health Care Bill?
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Though I still think he's the greatest politician since sliced bread, I've started to sour on President Obama a bit. Maybe it's this Afghanistan thing -- you know, escalating a war he promised to get us out of. Forgive me for being so squeamish, but I just don't like being part of a country that's responsible for killing people.
For let's be clear about why he's escalating the war. It's the old Republican trick, perfected by the Bush family: when your popularity starts to wane, attack another country. Rally the nation's patriotic spirit against an outside enemy, and then they'll forget how much they hate you. Is it my imagination, or has anyone else noticed that Obama's increasingly belligerent attitude toward Afghanistan seems to have presaged a revival of a health care bill that was starting to look dead in the water? Has Obama sold out to the hawks?
Be that as it may, I find myself desperately wanting the health care bill to go through -- selfishly for our country, I suppose -- even if it is at the expense of other countries. And so Obama, who in general has made me feel quite proud of America, is starting to make me feel kind of dirty, if you know what I mean. Maybe this gives me something in common with the people who drive the oil-guzzling SUVs.
Bush attacked two countries that had nothing to do with 9-11. The Taliban certainly seem a bad lot, but they have no connection with Al Qaeda (a Saudi gang) besides, perhaps, a shared hatred of the U.S. If indeed the Taliban were ever harboring Al Qaeda, they are no more, and so even the flimsiest pretext to be in Afghanistan has vanished. Let's get our own house in order, to be sure, but not at the expense of the health of the rest of the world.

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